If one reads history (almost too much to ask these days when no basis of fact is needed in stating opinions) one should remember: it may start with the Jews but it doesn't end with the Jews. I can literally "see" the scenario that will be developed and it is going to be ugly, very ugly ... and of course when all explodes, Jews will be blamed. I cannot believe people are that stupid!

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Apr 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

You don’t mention the most shocking thing. ActBlue, the official Democratic funding organization, was funding anti Israel demonstrations. A15 action, which coordinated anti-Israel/ anti-US demonstrations has a single fundraising link on their website. It links to ActBlue. Yes, the Democratic funding machine is helping raise money for anti-Israel/ anti-US protests.

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Apr 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

It was very difficult to gather up my mental strength to finish this piece. The world has truly gone mad, and I believe that it hasn't gotten bad enough, but it is sure getting close, to when this will all explode. The one section I rolled my eyes is when there is talk of the "liberation of Palestine." Arabs don't have a good understanding of the word liberation, and quite frankly, with the present US government, neither do they. Israel needs prayers like never before to protect it from these clowns in charge , or it will not end well for the world.

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Apr 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I will keep saying it: Islam is the world’s greatest threat to humanity…climate change is merely a distraction!

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Apr 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

China is spreading antisemitism all over social media, our campuses and elsewhere.

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Wouldn’t surprise me.

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It is truly a plague of madness!

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Apr 21Liked by Joshua Hoffman

First of all, how do you sanction a battalion? Seriously would like to know. Second, this stuff is so lethal, it actually hurts a bit -- and I thought I was past that. But that's okay; it just hardens me all the more. Third, I could be wrong but I'd like to believe that U.S. politicians would actually do well if they stood up for principles, if they acted like leaders instead of scared people pleasers.

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