You go Josh keep it up. Crazy times

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So you are saying that blue and white is now forbidden for a country to use in their color scheme. That being said, the blue field with the white stars on the US flag must be removed forthwith. It will trigger all the crazies and anti-Semities, anti-G-d, anti-freedom peoples. And everyone knows we cannot make these crazies unhappy. Red and white forever in the USA!!

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The UN flag is a lighter blue and white as is the WEF’s, are they linked in any way?

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Hahahaha good point Steve!

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Thanks, Steve. I am using this. Brilliant.

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Nah. That's more a navy blue; Israeli's blue is lighter and brighter. LOL.

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The British snark about the royals made my morning.

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I laughed so hard at the McDonald's bit. I was eating lunch and nearly choked on my artichoke that was sitting in my blue bowl together with white potatoes next to my white hand holding my blue water bottle 🤣 ps the world has gone mad and is suicidal.

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Very good series. The absurdity of what is happening is shown. Even if this does not have any impact on the pro-Palestinian sect, it helps to find guidelines for common sense in this world that has gone crazy.

I never thought that the maniacs, sadists, necrophiliacs and pathological liars that Hamas is would be supported by an overwhelming majority in the capitals of civilized countries, universities and international charities.

All the values that they preach in relation to people, nations, countries immediately disappear when it comes to Jews and Israel.

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These human cockroaches have always been there; they must believe that 10/7 gave them license to come out into the light. Hopefully; once Israel completes its mission they’ll be forced back underground; but they will always be waiting for another opportunity to climb out from under the their filth.

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Thank you Joshua for reminding us of the absolute absurdity of what is going on in our global world. I will now be super careful to look at how my takeaway food is packaged. I surely wouldn't want to purchase anything with the colors of the Palestinian flag, or my "feelings" will be super hurt and I will need to run to a "safe space."

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At this rate, with these and more examples to come, this farce will continue to 'entertain' us for a long time. The authors and creators of such spectacles are in fool's paradise.

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It really irritates me that Prince Williams's letter spoke nothing of Israelis. Especially them knowing that they themselves trace their lineage back to Zedekiah's daughters. The UK has fallen and will continue to fall. This is not a hope, this is a reality. Terrorism is prophesied for the princes of Israel - this term includes the lost tribes and their decedents and their elected leaders , and we absolutely see this happening. Israel blessed his children and told them what would befall them in the last days, this is how we can tell where the lost tribes went - from that blessing. The Jews have been the only ones to remember G-d and His Laws, terrorism is prophesied for those who turn their back on them and Him.

I was looking for you on twitter but there are many with your name. Could you share your twitter handle so I can follow there as well?

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I don’t use Twitter! I just browse, no posting for now. 🙃

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It's the mentally healthier choice lol! I joined a month ago to promote my writing. I wouldn't be on it otherwise! Well I am glad I came across your Substack, it is a wealth of info!

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Blinken is what call an “As a Jew.” His own life choices prove he cares nothing for the survival of the Jewish people or the Jewish state. He referenced his step father only to forestall the charge of antisemitic Jew once he was able to push his antiIsrael plans. He is just one in a long line ready to destroy the Jewish people if it means the gentiles he surrounds himself with (foggy bottom) accept him into their club.

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Seems to be the case. :/

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I am going to be more charitable. He's got to do what his boss says. Despite the rhetoric, they haven't really stopped Israel. Honestly, if he resigned, I am scared who would take his place. This is an election year and Biden is listening to Thomas Friedman too much for policy. The NYT is too worried about Dearborn, MI and blaming Biden's falling numbers on Israel instead of the fact that Biden doesn't (or can't) directly communicate to all of us what his policy is and stand by it. That's called leadership. (I'm no Trump supporter, because he can't do it either. But, he does face the voters and entertain them.)

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wow. the McDonald's story at the end is just, ick. if you have a problem blame the organization not the employee who works minimum wage...

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Well done! Those fools were lighting Channukah menorahs in February. Channukia, to be specific. I guess also Not In Their Religion.

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It’s truly the “theatre of the absurd.” Here in the USA, I believe the majority of us can see through all of it and remain steadfast with Israel’s right to exist and stay the course…

P.S. Joshua, I like your new idea. Keep it up.

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Unfortunately, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area which is Ground Zero for idiocy. The love of Hamas and Houthi is huge.

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Is it everyone, or is it just the ones who are shouting the loudest?

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I support Birmingham City Football Club, they wear blue and white too, eek.

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I love your columns - just know that the picture from West Hartford CT (I live near there) is from the sixth night of Hanukkah - https://www.ctinsider.com/westhartford/article/west-hartford-ct-gaza-israel-palestine-ceasefire-18549926.php - It’s BAD no matter when but accuracy helps us.

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Thanks for pointing that out! It was shared on Twitter last week without that article or date. Good catch!

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Disgusting, more than disgusting. Yuk

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