What a complete horror show! Almost a black comedy. Just so appalling it is unbelievable. In fact, if this was written in a history book, absolutely no one would believe it.

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I refuse to become dispirited by the sheer numbers of Jew Haters in the world. Many of them do me the favor of coming on Substack to attack me, so I can add them to #TheList immediately. But gosh, there are just so many. What a weird pack of losers - if the world were not focused on annihilating my people, I would not spent a millisecond thinking about "another group" of people.

Jews seem to be endlessly fascinating to these people. I get it - we're awesome, but that would seem to be a motivation to learn from and emulate, not hate and try to kill. Oh well.

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I've had some of these hater rants come across my feed. Today was the first time I started doing some mutes.

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Mar 31Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Thank you for another masterful recap of the week's outrageous events and people. The world has gone collectively crazy and my blood pressure has increased, but it was so worth it.

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An outrageous account, well-written. What really gets me about my fellow Americans is there are so many so willfully blind to their own hypocrisy. The Obama-Clinton Whtie House destroyed Libya, the richest country in Arica, we illegally invaded both Afghanistan and Iraq with lies and what is the average American response? Suddenly everybody's thanking the servicemen and women for their service, all enlisted, most because their opportunities in modern day America are few and far between. As though we had been saved from a brutal attack by any of these countries, none of which were capable of fighting against the U.S., the global equivalent of the playground bully. Did Imention we've also invaded Syria and are busy stealing their oil? Meanwhile, Russia , after numerous warnings as well as a false contract that the west is laughing about "pulling over" on Putin, he attaccks Ukraine in order to protect Russian borders, the same border from which Russia was invaded by the nazis and had their population decimated. is doing and the American people are all over Putin as an "evil dictator" wanting to control the world. Meanwhile, the entire western hemisphere was stolen from its original inhabitants, most of whom were murdered and those left alive given arid land as small compensation for what was stolen from them. To this day, American Indians populations, many of them, live on reservations, in poverty and defeat, suffering from diseases brought to them by the European invaders and having in general a far shorter life span. In other words, it's over 500 years and these original inhabitants are still suffering from the invasion by Europeans. And now those who've benefited from this theft are all out, foaming at the mouth about Israel and Palestine, utterly blind, as usual, to their own massive hypocrisy. Israellis are occupiers (of land they at least had a history with, unlike the U.S.) and should leave. If that is the case, then in the interest of fairness, we should expect a massive exodus from the entire western hemisphere.

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Well said, regarding the colonial angle a video of a indigenous professor talking about the 1860s and that America was paying a bounty on each scalp and he pointed to that being typical colonial behavior, pay for slay occurred to me and I mentioned that in the comments, surprisingly crickets...

Scales upon their eyes or something...👀

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Mar 31Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Incredibly well done. Thank you for this article with many examples to use in discussions and posts.

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deletedMar 31
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Hi David, I don’t understand your comment.

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Because this nitwit spends his times hating Jews and other fun Leftist pursuits. He tried ineffectually to come after me - in such an incompetent way I even got a fun post out of it:


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Sorry. I commented in the wrong place. I will delete shortly.

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Of course you will. You tried ineffectually to come after me - in such an incompetent way I even got a fun post out of it:


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I meant exactly what I said to you, and I don't think it is considerate of you to hijack someone else's thread for a separate matter.

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RemovedMar 31Liked by Joshua Hoffman
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Very well said.

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