The media has generally shown contempt for the truth in this war. The agenda is to build a case against Israel and has snowballed to satirical levels of bias.

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I just read an interview with the director of the Palestinian Ministery of Health published on Substack by a pro-Palestinian organization called ‘Drop Site News’. It goes into great detail about how the ministry identifies and counts how many people have died, but not once does the interviewers ask how many were Hamas members. The director explains how they are able to catalog detailed information about the circumstances of each death and how important it is to him that the personal story of each Palestinian killed is made known to the world. But never a word to explain why whether the person was a member of Hamas who was killed fighting is not noted, recorded, or publicised. As you mentioned, they’ve achieved great propaganda success and evidently now even they’re friendly media knows not to question it.

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What I want to know is how they came up with numbers so quickly after an event that makes little to no sense. Being facetious, but do they use an abacus?

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I’m choking with laughter, in derision…not your article, thank you as it is necessary and great info for us in fighting the hate-Jews propaganda media here in the west. But Hamas or Gazan ‘ministry of health’… it is idiocy. Omg, Goliath is a dullard.

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Bizarro world .... reminds me of the UN Human Rights Council.

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You’re being too optimistic here in the sense that the initial response to October 7 by decent people was horror, by angry narrowly educated and minded virtue confused but still sanctimonious elites and their zombies was to drink champagne and then the worst crowd- the people who know Israel is a much much better model for human rights and justice and success than the mess in Gaza but are fearful conformist or have to equivocate for their own pressing need to feel extra moral (versus actually taking a principled stand) and this includes a lot of the press and world leaders. The world is dangerous now because moral relativism makes it rather easy to feed others to the crocodile hoping it will eat you last.

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I deny it. Israel has foolishly gone above and beyond what any nation has ever done in the history of warfare to protect the enemy population to the detriment of its own soldiers. And consider that Gaza's "civilian" population is hardly innocent. They wildly celebrated and participated in the October 7 pogrom. The population of Gaza is completely unworthy of the mercy Israel has given it.


"Israel (despite claims to the contrary) has not always done everything it could to avoid civilian suffering. I struggle to see how a casual observer could deny this, even if acknowledging the obvious distortions and Hamas propaganda efforts".

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Who cares what they say or admit. Kill them and they’ll say nothing

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Funny, in a Wise Men of Chelm kind of way.

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Just another testimony to how the enemies PR campaign is far superior to ours. Of course, mainstream media abets them but that does not alter the fact that they just spin a far better story. Even their chants are catchy "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" " From <your town> to Palestine .. Occupation is a crime" etc. What are our chants? our slogans? Our 10 second news bites? Then the terminology ..... "the pro-Palestine camp" ...... why do we accept that terminology and use it when we speak or write? It should be "the pro-Hamas camp".

Bottom line ..... they are much more unified, and consistent with their messages. Everybody works together and doesnt veer off course. We are completely disorganized when it comes to PR. The only clear message we get from our big Jewish organizations is "Donate Money". Thats the one message that all our organizations are consistent with and that is one of the major reasons we are being destroyed in the PR war.

papa j

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Brilliant propaganda ploy, and it worked! How stupid we are.

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Muddy the waters

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The numbers of casualties coming out of Gaza are almost certainly faked. They increase linearly which doesn’t match actions on the ground. Even the UN reduced the number of women and children by half.


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It's been known that Hamas has used pictures of children wounded in Syria as their own. The constant barrage of these photos are so predictable, children walking around aimlessly, women sitting on the ground in rubble wailing, men carrying the wounded on stretchers amidst a backdrop of buildings half standing. The problem is the so called Western journalists and Arab news media like Al jazeera feed on this in order to gain sympathy for the poor terrorists and their people. When there is a news media that are the useful idiots for the terrorists, it's a wall that's hard to get through, especially for those with little between their ears who just believe all of it without question.

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Man was I off base. I thought they didn’t list men so that they could still keep collecting un money. Wouldn’t want to diminish those numbers

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