To read this is to be sure that Israelis are creating their own reality. To really believe that the majority of social media posts in favor of the Palestinians are due to algorithm manipulation and not because the world is really seeing the truth is to deny the facts. I'm Brazilian, I grew up studying the old and new testaments, today I'm Buddhist, I look at things with an observant distance and attached to the truth and it's sad to see Israel becoming the same as Germany of the 30s and 40s became.

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Great article.

But honestly, I believe that they do in fact know that Jesus was a Jew born in Judea- everybody knows this, and say what they will, it is 100% indisputable. Idiots. I'm not sure though what sort of psychosis makes one repeat such insane obfuscations except that, as you wrote Joshua, it's just another way for Jew haters to rewrite Jewish history and haughtily tell us who we are. That, by the way, is just another way that Jew haters get to effectively deride us under the guise of common sensibility and fairness. Just another way to be Antisemitic while accusing Israel of fill in the blank- what creative gaslighting. It frustrates me in ways that words simply fail to express.

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In his lifetime on earth ‘Jesus’ never has been called Jesus. His mothers name wasn’t Mary and his nephew Jochanan never heard anybody calling him John (etcetera)

‘Changing’, ignoring and denying the facts about who he is,has a long history already.

Remarkable that the offspring of the ancient-violent occupiers, the Romans, depicted him as a ‘european’-type as now, similarly that false image evolves in a palestinian-version.

Still facts don’t change. Learn from his life and teachings; it’s all based on the Torah and on the Jewish Prophets. Find out about his genealogy to see his Jewish forefathers with Israels king David and all the way back to Seth the son of Adam.

Thank G’d for the truth

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Jesus was a Palestinian in the exact same manner that Queen Elizabeth was actually a light-skinned South African and JFK, Jr. didn’t die in a plane crash and is living in a bunker at Martha’s Vineyard and will soon announce his candidacy for President. Oh and also, the world is of course as flat and a pancake. Furthermore, if AOC, who once claimed to have some Jewish ancestry because she thought it might have political currency, has her mouth open, rest assured garbage is flowing outwards in the same manner as George Santos - who also once claimed to have partial Jewish ancestry. The Gazalighting is offensive in the extreme less because we take “ownership” of Jesus’ origins than it is the cataclysmic obliteration of actual truth, historical fact and knowledge of thinking men and women everywhere. While it’s true that the internet has served as an effective tool for spreading lies and hate, it’s important to remember that two distinct points in recent history served to start this storm of jihad and information wars: 1. The discovery of oil in Saudi which then nationalized; and 2. The Ayatollah coming to power in Iran in 1979.

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Gazalighting, so apt. Will be using that moving forward. Because if any propaganda ever needed its own classification....

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Joshua, I won't comment just yet on the article because I read this in our local papers about the Palestinian Jesus and just rolled my eyes at the new reivsionist fairy tales. What I want to say is that the term called gaslighting is a new one I heard recently (I wish I had coined it) called "Gazalighting." I thought it was pretty clever and the article is a perfect example of it.

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Hahahah funny! Haven’t heard that one!

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i wholeheartedly agree with AOC as I'm sure, given her understanding of the situation, that the "unjust leader", for whose protection many people are dying, that she was referring to is Ismail Haniyeh. great to see she is finally making some sense.

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But yet, and still, all the mythologizing and fantasizing and nonsense does not change the fact that there has never been a sovereign state or nation of " palestine" or the FACT that before the modern state of Israel Arabs dwelling in the land area of palestine ruled by the Brits after the fall of the Ottoman Empire were called Arabs and the Jews that lived there were called Palestinians. To call the Arabs "palestinians" put their noses seriously out of joint.

In 1964 Egyptian terrorist and PLO founder Arafat invented the mythical, long suffering victimized "palestinian" people, the Nakba and the ubiquitous black, green and red flag along with the help of the KGB to further the demise of the Jews, grift a LOT of $ from Jew haters and get rid of Israel once and for all. Of course, they couldn't get rid of Israel but the " palestinian " hoax has stuck no matter how many facts or actual history since Bar Kochba and those other Jew haters, the Romans who renamed Judea "palestine" after the Jew's worst enemy, the Philistines, in 162 CE are mentioned.

It appears that much of humanity is suffering through a global pandemic of mass hysteria and truly mind bending stupidity and all the rest of us can do is hope some new shiny object shows up and this particular folie a plusieurs comes to a merciful end.

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An attempt to hi-jack of Jesus by the Palestinians / Humas. (Pro 16.4)

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AOC and others, repeat after me: Jesus was a Jew. I think it to be blasphemous to say otherwise. Thanks Joshua for very provocative writing. Thinking of the discussion on realism vs. idealism, I’d choose what we’d like to see in the world rather than what many are currently making it and distorting it to be. I believe in Israel’s right to exist; Israelis are fighting what seems like a growing list of enemies, and I pray to the God of both Christians and Jews that Americans will rise up and help fight this evil. The idealist in me believes.

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I guess Santa Claus is Chinese in origin.

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Susana Heschel wrote a book, called the Aryan Jesus, describing how Nazis did the same thing with Jesus‘s image. They made him out to be an Arian and the Jews were his enemies, and therefore, if they killed all the Jews, they were helping Jesus, they were loving Jesus and I think Jesus probably heard this, and saw it from heaven, and got extremely sick over it.

And I think he would feel the same way about being turned into a Palestinian. He might feel compassion for the suffering, but he would also feel deep compassion, and love towards all Israelis, and towards their suffering as well.

I don’t think heavenly truth and love translate well at all, to taking sides in wars, without understanding or compassion for all of the parts of the war. And I don’t think we’ll ever end war and all of its suffering until we learn how to do that.

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The world is in disarray. What real truths will we all find after this phase?

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Christianity is a Jewish derived sect, coming out of the second temple era. Christians are supposed to consider themselves the Jews or Israelites of today. You'd think there would be more rational support. Muslims too are supposed to at least honour the Torah, if not the Talmud. In the same way Conservatives were supposed to conserve our civilisation, and liberals were supposed to defend freedom.

Teflon shoulders everywhere.

It's part of the iconoclasm necessary for the new 'whatever' age is coming next. People seem engage in it instinctively. Like covid masking and support for lockdowns, BLM riots, rainbow flags, Ukraine flags, etc. It's support for cataclysmic change.

Consensus equals truth for most people now, because the Burning Bush doesn't exist for them.

Partly driven by ignorance, and partly by the pain of inflation. Mostly by materialist nihilism.


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Ps, article linked was a 2 parter on Substack, but shared to my crappy website because it's behind paywall here now

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I can’t decide what pissed me off more them trying to pretend Jesus was a Palestinian or people actually believing in it. (What happens to Christians and their blood libel BS?) The whole thing is so absurd. I can’t believe we even have to have this discussion, but then I see fresh faced teenagers claiming that that Hamas is really a freedom fighting organization and I realize we have gone down the rabbit hole.

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I know! If it wasn't so infuriating it might be funny but now it's just dangerous.

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