This is the most moronic thing I ever read. Palestinians are being bombed and Israelis are peddling hasbara to fuel the genocide of Palestinians that Israel is completely responsible for. Anyone believing this garbage piece is brainwashed into dehumanizing Palestinian human beings. The Torah doesn’t advocate for lying stealing and murder and yet this is what Israelis do in order to continue to legitimize the ongoing Nakba.

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Just John Kerry’s picture. Ugh. Cannot stand that man.

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So true and I am so frustrated that we seem to be the only people who know this. How on ready is the rest of the world so clueless? Am Israel chai and Shabbat Shalom

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Shabbat Shalom 🙏

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If the Palestinians lie so much why are they not called out? And who would call them out and how does an average citizen know that the other is lying? I do understand that you have an extensive relationship, of sorts, with the Palestinians. Can you identify a lie or two, I'm sure there are many by your count, that would make this much clearer to me and others? I mean this article makes us Jews look pretty good to the world but that is not the case as I am finding in my synagogue. There have been many cases of harassment for the pro-Palestinian cause against my fellow Jews. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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Claiming the Jews only received land in British-era Palestine as part of the 1947 UN Partition Plan because of the Holocaust

Purporting that antisemitism only started after 1948, following the 1948 Israeli War of Independence

Attributing their indigenousness to Palestine through the Phoenicians, an ancient semitic civilization

Accusing Israel of being an apartheid state, carrying out genocide, and “ethnic cleansing”

Describing Gaza as an “open air prison” with the highest population density on Earth (It’s actually Manila in the Philippines, in case you were wondering.)

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Thanks Joshua for your reply. I did read that in your article; I just didn't attribute those comments about Palestinians as lies. So much of those lies are repeated in the news that they become fact and you have the whole world against you. And the pro-Gaza/Palestinian faction are often in your face, screaming about those very things and believe, without facts, "that antisemitism only started after 1948, following the 1948 Israeli War of Independence", Palestinians are prisoners in their own homes without the means of liberating themselves from Hamas, etc. Thanks again. I really appreciate your reporting.

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I’m always curious as to why no one ever mentions the other partition that took place during that same time period with the same colonial rule. India was violently partitioned into two separate countries, India and Pakistan, created by a total imaginary boundary laid down by the British. What ensued was a two week partition period that resulted in over one million murders. Where are the calls for vengeance and revenge? Strangely enough, some years later another country was created, Bangladesh. Why was this achieved and the Palestinians are still “refugees “? I know I’m preaching to the converted but I just can’t stand the lies and incompetence from the rest of the world. It’s frustrating and it just shows that this never had anything to do with Palestinians and everything to do with pure Jew hatred, just slightly disguised.

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The 'original' Palestinians (Philistines) were not Semitic at all; we know that they settled on a small area of the coast and came from the Aegean Islands (yes, Greeks, Indo-Europeans). They arrived in the late Bronze Age.

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This is a brilliant essay. Thanks for not pulling your punches.

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Didn't Golda Meir say that "they" never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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Abba Eban

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There is no refuting history.

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