Jan 28Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Joshua, this is such an important set of insights. I would like to know more about how you are reaching a non-Jewish ‘audience’ for your ideas. I would like to see more sources for your figures on combatant-to-civilian ratios, because that is a hugely important argument right now. It is too easy for others to dismiss our ‘claims’ as propaganda, just as we almost always dismiss theirs. As an aside, around 10 years ago I lost the friendship of a Swiss translator who was against the wave of refugees arriving throughout Europe. She had no tolerance for my more left-leaning views, and ghosted me. I was wrong not to have more tolerance for her views. She was ‘on the ground’ and far more prescient than I.

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Good points, Amy. I asked Josh to run a piece like this because we must get truth across to non-Jewish Western audiences and encourage them to take their blinders off. Josh, if you could be prepared to answer questions about sources that would be great.

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Jan 28Liked by Joshua Hoffman

"But in the West, there is an emerging mindset that our self-stated enemies are not our enemies. They are just “different” than us, and we ought to embrace cultural relativism, globalization, decolonization, and multiculturalism — even if our enemies openly despise these ideals." While I agree with this, Joshua, I also think the big piece the West is missing is that while they want to embrace all of this, those who are "different" from us are laughing at our weakness in thinking these things, and making plans to destroy us and our values and beliefs. This thinking by the West is as ludicrious as the politicians who still believe there can be a two state solution.

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Jan 29Liked by Joshua Hoffman

One may well accept the difference of a person in their own home but very much object to them bringing that difference into your home. We have stupidly believed we could import a foreign culture without negative effect.

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What you say is so true and a lesson to all western Countries. We seem to be like a rabbit in the headlights. I pray we pull ourselves together, before it’s too late’

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The world needs to know.

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Great piece, Josh. I encourage everyone who reads it to share it on politically conservative FB sites in all Western countries and in other conservative venues. We need a broad conservative audience who will take Josh's excellent points seriously and maybe plant some seeds with their friends and politicians. Don't waste your time sharing it with any woke/liberal friends you have left. It's unlikely they'll get it.

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Jan 30Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Yes to all of it. The difficulty with the West, of course, is that some find it unnerving NOT to be tolerant. But we CANNOT be tolerant towards those who are intolerant.

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