“The anti-Israel / anti-Jew hate speech made me uncomfortable.” Simple.

Btw, something I noticed for years and years but recently changing. The label “Jew” had been used derogatorily for so long that Jews were always saying “I’m Jewish” rather than “I’m a Jew”. Now I hear people proudly saying “Jew”

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Well said. Since the protests began I used the terms "anti-Israel protestors" or "Pro-Hamas militants" to describe these gatherings of paid activists, anti-Semitic orcs and drugged-out losers who crawled out of their parents' basements to screech lies and attack Jews. Their kefiyahs are the 21st century version of Hitler’s brownshirts. Shame on Amazon and other vendors who sell them, although I understand some creative souls have turned them into “pooper scoopers” for their dogs.

The good news is that many of these protests have finally been disbanded by police. And they can no longer pass themselves off as righteous events organized by sincere students. For example, in a major court ruling in Virginia, a Richmond judge ordered that a so-called “pro-Palestinian” group - American Muslims for Palestinians - with alleged ties to the terrorist organization Hamas must turn over closely guarded financial documents. This represents a significant setback for American Muslims for Palestine, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that could now be compelled to turn over sensitive financial records, including donor information it has long successfully shielded from public view.

If Israel’s enemies have been winning the PR war, I think they have overplayed their hand. As the presidential election heats up we will be hearing less about supporting not-so-innocent Palestinians and more about removing the influence of terrorism in our schools and other institutions.

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I use the term “pro-Hamas” to describe the witless anti-Israel protesters. They are paid by Hamas funders, after all.

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We say, “Well, you know, it’s sort of complex. In the time of Abraham." Perfect. "Never Again" is in your face powerful.

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Jul 23Edited

Absolutely, Ken. And behind Hamas are the Nazis who support them. We have monitored the Alliance of Hamas with the (Re-formed) Nazi Party here in London. All of this is now in the Record and with the Authorities here in Europe, and in The US too. So, don't worry too much about the Screamers. It is a form of Narcissism.

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Right on! They are not "Pro-Palestinian" because they do not support Palestinians in any way. They are "Pro-Hamas". I went to a "Pro-Palestinian" rally in Montreal with a sign that read "Hamas: surrender and save the children of Gaza". I was quickly stopped and my sign was grabbed violently and destroyed on the spot.

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A gentile friend of mine referred to these individuals as "pro-terrorist protestors." This is great, because it is accurate, easy to understand, and has an alliterative quality that underscores the absurdity of their position.

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If you want to know the source of these protests which do cost enormous amounts of money, trace where the funding is coming from .

I have always said for all issues follow the money.

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Perhaps. I'm genuinely not sure that is the key here. I've been involved in grassroots organizing. It really doesn't cost much to get people who are motivated (even if their motivation is antisemitism) to hit the streets. You may be right. But I'm not convinced.

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I believe you need to look deeper, soros donated 15 million right at start . Irgc has also funnelled funding. There is also funding from mosques and we know where most of mosques get funding from .

Time you tune in your antenna

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Chanting slogans is for people having only the reptilian part of their brain working. However, if you want to counter slogans for slogans, I would suggest to just mirror the opposite side: "Free Israel" (from terrorism, UN bullying etc.), "from the river to the sea, Israel will be free", or "Israel stays alive" (English approximation of "Am Israel hai"). I have tons of idea if you need hehe

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I have said this before and worth saying again .... we are fighting 2 wars, the obvious military war and the less obvious but just as important PR war. We are handily winning the military one and we are getting decimated in the PR battle.

Having said that, I was so excited to read the article as yes, we need a term or terms to counter the Pro Palestine - River to the Sea ones and I just could not wait to see what the author would come up with. Something snappy, something quick, a few options to pick and choose from etc etc.

Instead, like reading a great thriller with a lousy ending, I was left with nada, zilch, bupkas!!!

I am making light but it truly is not a light topic. We need gimmicks, they work. We need to sell the sizzle and not the steaks. The public is not known for its brilliance and doesnt want intellectual fodder, it thrives on the 10 second soundbite.

So whats it gonna be? Can be come up with a slogan, a chant, a catch phrase or are we going to do what we usually do and analyze it to death and do NOTHING.

I am not by far the sharpest star in the sky nor the sharpest knife in the draw but I came up with


papa j

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Hahaha! Thanks for your message. I get it! I posed a problem and not a solution! I promise I'll keep working on a slogan. Promise!

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Thanks Pat, your article carries with it such an important message and wake up call to all of us. We need to improve our PR campaign and we need to do it yesterday. Have a great one my friend. ahimsa papa j

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👍🏽🙏🏽 analysis = paralysis

Maybe : Terror Pals is an option ?

Any intelligent social human being who's capable of observing facts and showing compassion without personal judging and searching of scapegoats, can not be a supporter of Terrorist Hate Ideology in any form, without searching for reliable sources of evidence and facts.

Let's go deeper into the following question :

HOW the evil masterminds behind the terrorist proxies succeeded in their strategy of massive manipulation by the media ? We know the answer to that question :

By promoting their narratives on (Social) Media with heartbreaking devastating images of "the innocent victims" aka wounded and dead children in the rubble in Gaza, while relentlessly and blatantly blaming ISRAEL for all the misery and never mentioning Hamas as the instigator of this war....

But HOW do they trigger these "educated" students & crowds to blindly follow these narratives and have them rally for their cause with such extreme HATE on such a large scale ?

An answer to that question :

By triggering the eldest striking feature of human kind : HATE & ANGER, both deeply rooted in primitive FEAR.

That's what triggers these Terror Pals. Fear disguised in "righteous" HATE, directed at the "oppressor" of the "Palestinian" "resistance" .

As long as individuals are searching for purposes and answers to their problems OUTSIDE themselves, they'll always be eager to find prefab purposes and scapegoats on a silver platter. Without asking themselves questions or verifying the facts that lead to such horrible and serious accusations like genocide and oppression/apartheid.

History repeating itself. Human behavior repeating it's errors. Tragic.

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You can add a healthy dose of JEALOUSY to go with HATE and ANGER. papa j

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Thanks. I hadn't thought about that one 🤔.

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Pro Palestine is a contagious disease. It is spreading like wildfire, resulting in collective hysteria.

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That's what I've been saying for months. The hate rallies, vile social media posts etc. aren't pro-anything. I get really annoyed when I see the media refer to the various pro-Hamas "encampments" as "pro-Palestinian". As you say most of the participants haven't got a clue what or where "Palestine" is.

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I have a snappy slogan for you. "From the river to the sea, Hamas shall cease to be."

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These protesters are anti Semites

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More specifically, they’re Jew haters.

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Well said.

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There is no Palestine. There are just two legged sub humans calling themselves Palestinians.

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That's a pretty clear echo of Nazi language.

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Funny no one calling October 7 Nazi like. Call me whatever you like. Just keep shooting

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"If a man lies with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an abomination. They must surely be put to death." Leviticus 20:13.

That is not some wild, Far Right Christian conspiracy.

That is the Torah.

That is from the bedrock of Judaism.

Yes, there are ways to show compassion on that offense. Likely the Sanhedrin would not vote the death penalty due to circumstances and human weakness.

But don't mistake things such as acknowledging and strengthening G-d's intended relationship, man and a woman, as the same kind of animus as the bloodthirsty Palestinians who want to destroy Jews with the fervor of Haman.

Especially since the Christians, who takes this line of the Torah more seriously than even we do (and that is NOT something we should be proud of) tend to support Israel -- often more than we do ourselves. (Again, that is NOT something we should be proud of. Grateful, perhaps. Proud? No. We should not be relying on Christians to do what we should be doing.).

When we stray from G-d's laws, G-d punishes us.

This is the deal of Deuteronomy 28.

This is repeated again and again and again in the Tanach.

Don't think you're gonna get help from the leftist idol worshippers.

It was G-D who took you out Egypt.

It was not the Leftists. You owe them NOTHING.

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Oh my. You're really going THERE? I can't be bothered responding to that.

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Then don't, but the bad things will keep happening.

I see plenty of Queers for Palestine t-shirts.

I do not see many Queers for Israel t-shirts.

They don't care if you marched for gay rights or same sex marriage in the past.

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I understand that you take the Torah literally, but is that true of everything in it? Are you okay with the treatment of the Midianites described in Numbers 31, where they are exhorted to do what Hamas did on October 7th, just to give one example? Some of us revere Torah as a document that reflects our history while teaching us how to be mensches in the present.

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What's the point of Judaism if we can't even treasure our finding documents?

G-d goes into the detail on the wickedness of the Canaanite tribes, including the Midianites. Israel is ordered to drive them out, and warned "If you don't, they'll harrass you, they'll cause you to worship other gods, and YOU will be driven out."

So the Israelites fought for a while. Couldn't finished the job. Tolerated some of them. Starting praying to Baal, Moloch and Astarte, and got driven out by Assyria and Babylon.

Do half measures work? It didn't work back then. And it doesn't seem to be working today.

Israel saved the life of SInwar. Sinwar showed his gratitude by murdering 1200 Jews. Is that the answer?

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With all of this, I am in complete agreement, Jonah.

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Well said! While I am a gentile, I read the Torah and follow the Jewish Messiah (I won't debate that here). The tiny nation of Israel seems to be a stumbling block for many. And, if I understand correctly, it could get worse before it gets better. In my opinion most people don't truly think. They react to things they WANT to be true. We should all know the truth that there is no such place as Palestine, nor is there a "Palestinian" people. But that truth doesn't matter to them...or to their puppet masters who will use anyone they can to position themselves in places of power and wealth.

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Pretty much. I don't think there's much to be gained by thinking we're smarter than G-d.

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It’s pro terrorist .

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