One clue is embedded in the very title of this piece: I seriously question whether the words “open-minded” and”progressive” belong in the same description. My experience and reading on sites as this informs me that “progressives” are in fact remarkably closed-minded. They’ve decided that the most important thing is to sit at the “cool kids table;” feel good about being a “social justice warrior” and “repairing the world;” and blindly sticking to every “progressive” narrative they’ve learned at our illiberal schools—and sadly, from some of our esteemed Jewish organizations (e.g., the ADL, which has until very recently almost completely ignored the antisemitism of the Left and its allies in the worlds of radical Islam and Black nationalism.)

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What matters is what has **not** been taught: the character and independence to resist the urge to conform to the mainstream.

Developing character and the ability to think independently is the foundation of education.

Especially when the "cool kids table" is run by antisemites.

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Zack, I met you years ago when you worked for AIPAC. My kids grew up in your very same JCC's preschool. I have to say that the "tikkun olam" values our local Jewish Day School focused on, and the hesitancy that same day school had about supporting Israel whole heartedly, was the beginning of the rot that has infected all the public schools in our area. If not for our constant questioning of these well-meaning but misguided values, my kids might have lost their moral compass. Liberal values used to be open minded but they have shifted to a mind virus that is anything but open. Free speech and critical thinking skills are no longer encouraged in schools. Critical Race Theory, which underlies a very anti-semitic agenda, especially in our California schools, needs to be battled against by Jewish parents on every school board.

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Sep 2Edited

We have the same struggles here in the UK with Marxist activists infiltrating School governance boards with 'Trans' Ideology, as if gender can be changed or 'Chosen'. It is an absolute disgrace. Critical Race Theory is a joke. We do not have this here in The UK yet, thank goodness. Of course we know what is actually behind all of this. We are dealing with Deep-down Fear and Hatred-of-Excellence by these people. This becomes sullen resentment and eventually a belief in Lies.

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Michael, I’m very liberal. I agree with you every step of the way. Israel is a tiny country that could easily be overrun were it not for the protection of big, bad ass western governments. They need strong support from western nations. And we need to be there without question.

I recall from history how quickly Czechoslovakia was overrun by the Germans during WW II.

Jews have never had an empire ! But I do recall the Ottoman Empire (Muslims were imperialists, yes). So how does this oppressor/oppressed dynamic actually work?

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Such an investigation or self inquiry is very necessary but no such inquiry will provide any answers if it does not reckon with the fact that so many of our youth have been brainwashed into thinking that being a social justice warrior is the essence of Jewish identity and continuity than realizing that detailed knowledge of the elements of the Passover song of Who Knows One offers a far more positive and profound view of what it means to live a Jewishly committed life S opposed to a detailed curriculum of the Holocaust which can and only be studied as what happens anti Semitism reaches the industrial stage after the world and secular shrug their shoulders

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It takes a special kind of depravity to have responded to the October 7 atrocities by condemning Israel and Jews.

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It is called Jew-Baiting, amongst other things.

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YOU SAID “In fact, many of our kids actively stand up for Jews and bravely defend Israel in the toughest places — on campus, in social media, among their peers — and they deserve our gratitude, support, and investment in their future.”

YOU FORGOT In the dungeons under Gaza and in the battlefields above it.

I had to pause reading to mention that, especially today.

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My heart goes out to Israelis and the Jewish diaspora. I am a former Catholic; I have no hidden agenda. I love Jews and the Jewish culture with no strings attached.

The recent loss of the six hostages must be excruciatingly painful for Israelis. I am so very sorry.

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Jack misses the point. The problem is with Jews who become liberal, and liberal progressives. You don’t need a study. I have observed this for decades. At age 70, I clearly see the issue. My Jewish liberal friends are all supporting Harris, as they did Biden. My 52 year old nephew has an Israeli mother. But he’s down with Kamala. This has all been made worse by the Marxist indoctrination in the public schools here in the US. The more well to do Jews moved to the suburbs in the 60’s. That was half of my family. They were no longer recognizable as Jews. They were shrimp and lobster eating social activists do gooders. Their children were brainwashed in the schools, and those kids have done the same to their kids. And this is where we find ourselves as a people. Diluted to the point of extinction if we keep this up.

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Sep 2Edited

I really like seafood, particularly Lobster. But what wakes Jews up as Jews is the experience of Antisemitism. Here in the UK it is a State-backed psychological Operation run by MI5. I now know I was attacked by them from the date of my birth, and once I was aware of continuous State-backed monitoring and spy-backed Hate, I documented the whole lot and got the full record of it to safety! Am Israel Chai! I still eat seafood with a passion! Delicious!

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I don’t think of the UK as British anymore. I would be afraid to visit London. I really don’t want to get stabbed or have acid thrown in my face.

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Sep 2Edited

I can recommend some excellent Seafood places in The City. London has still got it, like New York and Paris, and is still (relatively) safe. And there is a lot of fun to be had here too.

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Thank you very much Dan ! I have been mourning the perceived loss of the British culture. That’s good to know.

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Sep 2Edited

The Reason is as old as time. Psychologists call the desire to be completely accepted in one's social sphere as 'In-Group Amity'. Its twin is Out-Group Loathing. The pressure of these two Character Traits under peer-group pressure is enough to tip some young Jewish people into Antisemitism. Also, Liberals more broadly live in a fantasy world where the reality of the daily struggle to survive and earn a living for oneself has been banished: Life as an endless rich-kid's playground. Reality, however, brings this little noggin world crashing down on a regular basis. The result is shrill and actually very funny. But in fact the antidote to all of this is to point at the world as it is. This is usually enough to cure them. As I have said, Antisemitism is a Forever War and one which is in no way the fault of Jewish People. So, get used to it, Rich Kids. And Jews are in the Right too. A bit of research and the knowledge of History easily shows this as well.

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Good points. As a professional writer, media and politics watcher for 40 years, I must say that we cannot place the blame solely on the "in-group amity/out-group loathing" phenomenon. Such a phenomenon has always existed among young adults (typically under 25). But what has "informed" coolness since the 1960s has been, increasingly, the values of cultural Marxism expressed in television, film, academia (the liberal arts in particular) and now, the internet. Show me one Western TV program or film made from, say, 1965 and later that doesn't have left-wing messaging: subtle or obvious. Compare this to broadcasts and films made before the 60s. While the latter express love of G-d, country and behaving according to Judeo-Christian morality, material made post-1965 preaches rebellion of all of this while promoting hedonism. “The long march through the institutions” (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy to create radical [Marxist] change in government by becoming part of it. The march has succeeded. The “institutions” are academia, media, entertainment and government. Judaism and Israel’s right to exist have long been the foes of Marxism – all forms of it. So now it is UNCOOL to support Jews and Israel, just as it is uncool to be an observant Christian, to support Donald Trump or to point out that choosing one’s gender is a mental disorder. That today’s youth (including Jews) think it IS cool to support radical Islam (a barbaric ideology that practices genocide daily in Muslim countries) bears witness to the success of Islamism, which has “marched” into our institutions alongside its Marxist allies. (Note: the Islamic/Leftist alliance has existed in some form since the Russian revolution). And while all of this was happening, Jewish liberals kept their blinders firmly on, disregarding their own heritage in favor of assimilating to this monstrous hegemony. The only way to stop the indoctrination of our Jewish kids is to strengthen our Jewish communities, Jewish art, history and literature, our observance of Judaism itself - and send them to Jewish schools. Oh yes, and support right wing or center-right governments in the West and in Israel. Eventually, the socio-political pendulum will swing away from Islamo/Marxism and Jewish kids will realize how very UNCOOL it is to be a self-hating Jew.

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Yes. The slow, creeping, soul destroying acid of postmodernism. Courage, faith, values, history dissolves when nothing’s true and everything’s permitted.

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Sep 2Edited

I am not sure I want to go back to the strait-jacket of Conservatism, and Religion and social conformity or social deference to ones' so-called 'social superiors'. But in fact what has been abandoned, and needs to be re-learned FAST, is the power of Reason, underpinned with Rationalism and sheer Logic and the facts that some things are FUNDAMENTALLY true and are therefore FOUNDATIONAL. From here, Reason wins EVERY time. I was lucky enough to get a Rationalist education, where the power of reason and the well-argued position was respected. The reason it was dropped from the curriculum here in the UK is because it was felt that well-educated and artful Lower orders in society could out-wit the police.

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I agree with you. The conservatism of Christian-dominated societies was often cruel. This cruelty sparked the Marxist/Communist revolution because the lower classes (Jews included) were fed up. This is why some Jews became Communists. They felt their religion was powerless against this cruelty and hoped Communism would free them from persecution. Sadly, too many failed to admit the problems with Communism and became blind adherents to it – or lighter-weight “liberal” versions of it.

When I started to study Torah and other Jewish scriptures, I was "floored" by the rationality of it when you understand the true meanings and not get misled by a superficial read of some of the texts. Judaism does not have social superiors. Even kings must answer to Torah and behave in a civilized manner. (No other society imposed such restrictions on their monarchs or other heads of state). Judaism does not recognize "race". That is a secular construct. Judaism promotes free enterprise but requires the giving of charity along with charitable behavior towards the vulnerable in society (e.g. widows, orphans, the sick, etc.). Even slavery (which existed in all societies back then and still does in some) was not the slavery of the American South. It was indentured servitude. Indentured servants were freed when their debt was paid. Jews married slaves. Slaves converted to Judaism. And there is a host of compassionate behaviors that Torah requires of those who have indentured servants. The more I learn about Judaism, the more I believe it should provide the main framework for Israel’s legal system. And perhaps the West’s too. The truth is that the United States Constitution is almost entirely rooted in the Judaic tradition. America’s second president, John Adams, praised Jews on many occasions in his personal correspondence. He called the Jews “the most glorious nation that ever inhabited the earth.” Adams, challenging the anti-Semitism of French Enlightenment luminaries like Voltaire, argued that Jews “have influenced the affairs of mankind more and happily than any other nation, ancient or modern.”

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Sep 2Edited

'Judaism does not recognize "race". That is a secular construct.' I disagree here. Race IS a Reality, and is formed where individuals of a Gene-pool have in-bred for about a thousand years (30 generations). It remains true that all humans on Earth today have Neandertal ancestors going back 30,000 years.

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What I learned about race in Anthropology class (25 years ago) was discussed in terms of how humans in various parts of the world adapted to their environment. Their physical characteristics were part of this adaptation. The class did not discuss race in terms of superiority or inferiority, as early Americans, the Nazis and others did. Nor in terms of "the oppressed" and "the oppressors" as wokism (yet another form of Marxism) does. Nevertheless, these are all "secular" constructs. Judaism does not concern itself with race at all.

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Sep 2Edited

The Nazis today dare not talk about Race and IQ (Intelligence) because the East Asians are slightly ahead in this respect. Genetics may be secular but is also Science: i.e. Has its basis in rational enquiry. If you want a discussion about Ethics, then this has other non-secular roots. Eugenics is a Dead-end, because it reduces humans to artificially narrow characteristics like breeds of Dogs, and is therefore dangerous, and this has been proven in science as well. But this is a whole other story. Best wishes.

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In a word: Assimilation.

Teveye in Fiddler on the Roof: “Tradition!”

We in the West left the Bible and were entertained for a century. Instead of the dinner table we had TV trays. The primary goal of the socialist globalists is breakdown of family. Written by all the great 1900s philosophers in one way or another. Margaret Sanger, Bertram Russell, Huxley, Orwell…the written objective from the Illuminati and communism of the late 1800s bore the first whole nation revolution and Lenin’s first assault was tearing apart the family. Over here in the West, by the ‘40s the Tavistock Institute had infiltrated Canada then USA using music, education, celebrity idol worship, all perfected by the ‘60s. (See investigation of Laurel Canyon music history—David McGowan. See Charlotte Iserbyte, on education. “Deliberate Dumbing.” She was working with Reagan who wanted to take federal gov out of education.). But in my family, blending along caused a whole two generations, post WW2, to leave the commandments and times and seasons of the Bible. Now there is a return, and the slow crawl back has been energized dramatically by the rising hatred of Jews and Israel today and October 7. 2 Kings 17 … ‘they [assimilated], their children likewise and their grandchildren…so they do to this day.’ To me, the miracle of the State of Israel, of Zionism—the drive, hunger for return—is bringing us to teshuva. Always the first step—turn back.

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Yes! Exactly! I’m so bewildered by most of the American Jews I’ve encountered. I grew up in Soviet Kiev. My parents are profoundly damaged people with all kinds of issues around their faith. I repeatedly tried to join the local reform Jewish community with sad, strange results. Maybe the locations were the problem (Southwest and Southeast), or probably I was. I was met with gate keeping, disdain and multiple interfaith services. Weak, apologetic, dissembling snobs. Tikkun olam and rich hippies and social posturing. Only on Substack have I encountered the Jewish spirit. Mostly, it’s been people like Penny Adrian and Karen Mezek Hunt who have shown me the courage and compassion of the American Zionist.

My American family prays for ceasefire and polices my speech.

My Ukrainian family members were broken by socialism and Jew hatred, raised by the state to be nihilistic atheists - what is the excuse of the progressive American Jews?

With my husband, we’ve been studying on our own - reading the Hebrew Bible and essays by sages. It prepared me for the resurrection of the ever popular hatred and it put iron in my blood. The covenant with Hashem is alive in the burning letters over my heart. Am Israel Chai.

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Visit a Chabad. There are many people like you in mine.

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Powerful story. I too have left conventional synagogues but studying and keeping the commands at home. Of course I’m many miles from any now. We do all seem to be coming together. Am Israel Chai!

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Our prayers meet across the void. ❤️

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I agree with Andrea Gardner. Visit a Chabad. They will welcome you and not rush you into strict observance. You will learn and practice (or not) at your own pace but you will feel like you belong and will be learning REAL Judaism; not the leftist versions (Reform and Reconstructionist) which pervert Jewish scriptures to suit their political agendas.)

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I’m not Jewish, so please forgive the intrusion. I am very liberal; I’m also an enthusiastic Zionist. I studied the Holocaust in high school. I chose the subject for my research paper.

We must protect the Jewish people and their culture. Also, Islamism is a totalitarian ideology with a lot of power. As such, we’re all in this together.

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So true. The destruction of the traditional family is a key tactic of the cultural Marxists (wokists, whatever you want to call them). And while Islamists are ultra-strict about THEIR family heirarchy and barbaric traditions, they are all too willing to see we "heathens" going against our families and Judeo-Christian morality if it advances anarchy in the West. This Islamo/Leftist alliance is actively promoting the destruction of Western civilization so it can take over. The question is, which of these unholy allies will take over? Neither one of them plays well with others for power, so I'd imagine they'd go to war with each other on the corpse of the West. Needless to say, if you oppose such a scenario - use your voice and your vote to prevent it!

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Had you taught your children the biblical history of the Jews, had you taught your children the reason Jews are scattered, had you taught your children about the Holocaust, had you taught your children the story of the creation of the state of Israel.

—They might be less inclined to self identify with murdering terrorist sub- humans.

Shame on all you liberal progressive Democrat Jews.

Your teaching ,your voting, your ethos, has created this diaspora of the Jewish mind.

You don’t need a study group to analyze this.

You only need to believe in God.

And so many of you do not.

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Excellent! Love the reference to Hillel beginning middle and end- skillfully handled. More important, a call to action is just what we need — and if is a valuable and necessary action. Further, I love the definition of Zionism as Jews writing our own history. This message of empowerment is so healing and motivating and wise.

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From your initial formative thoughts, to your lips, to the written word in this beautifully formulated article, to Gods ears, something drastic must be done to save us from this "upside down" reality we are presently living in.

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This was an incredible article and it got me reflecting on my own feelings towards my Judaism.

I am very liberal and yet proudly Jewish and Zionist. I attended one of the largest Jewish day schools in Australia and when I reflect on my education I remember being forced to attend compulsory tanach, toshba and texts and tradition classes.

These classes served as a time in the day to catch up on sleep or send notes to our friends. We did however learn Jewish history, specifically the Holocaust which of course we all found fascinating and heartbreaking because it was content we could relate to. Our grandparents were the survivors and we grew up hearing their stories.

The point is that as Jewish children we were not taught in school about the history of Israel’s land and the differing opinions that go with it. We were not taught how to articulate the importance of having a Jewish homeland and we were not taught how to stand up and fight antisemitism using eloquent and fact based arguments.

This is what’s needed to be taught in schools. The Jewish education curriculum needs a huge update if our children are ever going to become adults who stand up and fight for the right for Jews to exist!

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Kudos on the drive to deeply research, investigate and respond to the far left's anti-Jewish hatered.

When Qatar invests in Western universities it isn't out of the kindness of their hearts, or a progressive vision. Qatar is a major sponsor of terrorism and is deeply conservative (of course 'progressives' can't get themselves to admit that Islamists are deeply conservative far right terrorist and genocide supporters). They expect a return on investment, and their ROI is this leap in antisemitism after 2+ decades of investing in far left indoctrination.

Diaspora Jews should never again donate to universities without strings attached. They should stand university administrators asking for donations on the spot, demanding chairs that are pro-Jewish and Zionist, demanding to see what those universities have done to combat antisemitism.

We should also ditch progressive causes and progressive organizations until they've shown reform, ejecting the far left out of their staff. When you see how every single progressive organization and cause is captured by far left antisemites and Israel haters, ask yourself why any Jew would support them until they stop putting "Palestine" (AKA the destruction of Israel) ahead of their professed cause.

Jews should not donate to progressive causes or universities, they should invest in their own organizations, Hillel and the rest, including providing them security for their events on a constant basis. In the 1920s and 1930s Jews recognized the threat by both Nazis and Communists who came together to terrorize Jews in the diaspora. We are at the exact same moment in time, and if we allow the far left and Islamists to assault and indoctrinate Jews we will only face more and more violence and hate speech and exclusion. The far left needs to be stomped and ejected out of all progressive spaces, and if they're not up to the tasks Jews should leave those progressive spaces and take care of their own.

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I was a Bernie Sanders supporter for years. But it’s always bothered me how tight he has been with Islamists ie Linda Sarsour.

I’ll hang onto my crappy health care system if it means partnering with sympathizers of Islam.

I used to listen to a progressive podcast hosted by David Feldman. He does political commentary and he was very funny.

Feldman actually suggested that his listeners contribute to Rashida Tlaib’s

political campaign. I gave this man a fair amount of grief for that before abandoning him completely.

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The college age “kids” have turned into sociopaths. Tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli citizens (especially children!) is an evil deed that’s hard to fathom.

Maybe I’m a sociopath too now, because I don’t care about Palestinians anymore. That stuff is contagious. Should I see a therapist ? I’m serious.

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You don’t need a therapist. It’s a reasonable reaction given the decades of Palestinian refusal to compromise. I read that there no word for “compromise” in Arabic. A backwards culture

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Fantastic article. I'm going to quote key sections of this in my upcoming book in the chapter about DEI's connection to anti-Semitism!

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Do you mean the Biblical Jews, The Israelites, the Chosen Ones who are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The Chosen Ones who are to be the Light of the World, The Royal Priesthood, or the Other Jews? Some of the Jews in Israel are not the Jews who were kidnappers and scattered to other nations as slaves. Maybe I am confused as to which Jews we are speaking about.

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