What if Israel was somewhere else? Historic Proposals for a Jewish State
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Also in today’s dispatch:
A Jewish man’s revenge against brutal Nazi guards (video)
Why Israel has the developed world’s highest cost of living (video)
The Jew who believes she’s an Arab king’s daughter (article)
A fresh perspective on Jewish romance (article)
The power of the Hebrew alphabet’s second letter (podcast)
Are the Jews of Mumbai still there? (video)
The evolution of Jewish education (article)
🔝 Today’s Featured Story
Nowadays, many of us take the State of Israel, in our ancestral homeland, as a given.
But not too long ago, before the country was founded in 1948, there were at least eight different proposals for where the Jews should create a state — including the United States, Tasmania, the Russian Empire, and Madagascar.
What happened to each of these plans? And why were they suggested in the first place?