Jan 26Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I'm a liberal secular Jew living in the U.S. and I absolutely do not think Israel has a moral failure.

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"More liberal and secular Jews, both in Israel and across the Diaspora, think the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of Jewish moral failure..."

I want to dwell on this passage. The fact is that there is no “moral failure” This was cultivated in the Jewish Diaspora much later than the formation of the Jewish state. When a lot of pseudo scientists appeared in the West who began to revise history and adjust it to this moral failure.

Since the mid-19th century, the Jews of Palestine, as a single people, have strived to create their own state on historical land. On land that was sparsely populated and most of it was not suitable for life and farming.

The Arabs of Palestine, who were not a single people, but only tribes belonging to different regions of the Middle East, never sought to create their own state there. But still, during the division of Palestine in the 20s, the Arabs received a state as a gift, this is Jordan, and the Jews remained under the British Mandate.

What kind of moral failure can we talk about if the Jews created a state not only for themselves, but also for the Arabs who still live in Israel?

And why are Diaspora Jews so susceptible to this moral pseudo-failure?

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Again, just want to say I do not feel that way and I'm a liberal, western, secular Jew who very much identifies as a Jew and is proud of my Jewishness and I love Israel.

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Jan 26Liked by Joshua Hoffman

You just have to be realistic about what is actually going on. Oh, and I know lots of people like myself who feel the same - that this is NOT a Jewish / Israeli moral failing.

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People support Palestinians even though religious extremism is their greatest fear.

Palestinians’ losing policies guarantee them underdog status, which is enough for some people to support them.

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Reality PROVES otherwise!

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Imperialism left 2 of the 3 Middle Eastern Religions, Islam and "Christianism" (as in Islamism) morally Bankrupt, for the most part!

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Jan 23Liked by Joshua Hoffman

"Jews and Judaism became Westernized in much of the Diaspora, and non-religious Jews who seek to remain ethno-religiously unique have to go out of their way to ensure that their duality of particularism and universalism does not warrant charges of dual loyalty." And in the meantime, they redefine Tikkun Olam by taking it out of Judaism and making it a universal social justice issue?

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So you think Palestine might , maybe, one day perhaps, possibly qualify for a demilitarized, non terrorist state alongside the militarized terrorist Israeli state. Gee, that would be swell. 😏

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Jan 23Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Don’t forget the role of UNRWA in making Palestinians “forever-refugee.” Sadly it appears they will also have “forever-enemy” status. Unless they can turn the corner somehow.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Joshua Hoffman

A UN official from th 1950s also made a speech and in it said the Palestinians had "a right to return" and that phrase took hold and became their mantra. That, along with forever refugee status, has given them the victimhood status as an excuse for their hatred of Israel and Jews.

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Well said.

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