Most excellent piece. Insightful, beautifully written and with just the right amount of FU to the empty-headed demi-wits. Am Israel Chai baby 😎🇮🇱

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This is gold.

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Archeologists have found in the Temple sifting site (where Muslims have been trying to destroy any connection of ancient Jews to the Temple Mount) a little tiny bell from the bottom of the garments that the Temple Priests wore.

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This needs to be sent to every editor in chief of every newspaper, every program director and anchor in news, and somebody has to volunteer to do a dance on TikTok while reading this so the Gen Z ers will hear it. Oh and to Susan Sarandon and Mark Ruffalo.

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And Barbra Streisand.

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Excellent piece. Your words come from a place deep within in your soul. That is where the truth comes from. Thank you Mallory

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It is exhausting: the lying, the stupidity, the irrationality.... the waste, the hopelessness, the futility and the erosion of a possible future for all the peoples of the Middle East. The future of all the children has diminished or worse, been eradicated. The only "voice in the wilderness" is apparently a Jewish voice (which sounds Talmudic). I have no doubt that as a people, we will survive, dignity in tact .... but I do not hold hope for the remainder of the many tribes: they are a people without vision unable to process the ability to construct; they are only able to destruct.

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They will get the life they deserve.

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For #1 - "It's not antisemitic to criticize Israel" - I agreed with this statement in theory but in practice, the people who are saying it do not know the history of the conflict in the Middle East and are not qualified to make it. And there are SO MANY of those people.

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Great piece

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Yet another, brilliant piece. I must say that I have never been able to see a difference between anti semitism and anti Zionism. It is simply splitting hairs and is an excuse and a nonsense!

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Very well written. I would also like to point out that all these anti-zionist, antisemitic people, whether they are muslim or otherwise, are also not indigenous to the US or Western Europe... but they are there and shouting their lungs out! Please let them go!

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Wow! Love this!

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In the case of so-called Jewish and Muslim co-existence, prior to 1948, the Farhud, which occurred in Iraq in 1941, attacked and murdered its indigenous Jewish population which eventually led to mass refugee emigration in 1950-51, when the opportunity to escape this historical violence presented itself.

Such Jewish refugees left their properties, bank accounts and businesses behind and departed without passports. It should be noted that the Jewish population in Iraq predates the Muslim invasion of this region. Conservatively speaking, the pre-1948 Jewish population in Iraq was estimated to be 130,000 souls. With regards to Muslim peaceful co-existence with Iraqi Christians, what happened to the over 1 million Christians after 2003 that used to reside in that country? These historical facts demonstrate that active ethnic cleansing was practised against the Jews and Christians in this region and don't correlate with the alleged accusations against Israel. Those people who are concerned about Middle Eastern refugees and ethnic cleansing should also look at the bigger picture instead of focusing on Israel alone. This is anti-semitism.

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If you hate, really hate, anyone, you're a scum bag. Plain, to the point, take it or leave it.

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Great article! Thanks so much for this. The comparison I like to make is as follows...

Saying 'I don't hate Jews - I just hate Zionism' is like saying 'I don't hate women - I just hate feminism'. So, you're cool with Jews and women as long as they don't expect to have any rights.

You don't need to define yourself as a 'Zionist' or a 'feminist' to understand the importance of these concepts for the safety of the groups they represent.

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It’s Halloween for anti-semites.

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