Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Joshua Hoffman

There is no doubt the UN has been in bed with fundamentalist Muslim states like Iran for decades. The question is: why did the United States, Canada and other Western countries allow it? It's not enough to say the unholy alliance between Islamic powers and the far-left Western elite had a role to play in this. What about Western conservatives? They held power too. What role did they - and their cohorts - play in the mass immigration of Muslim immigrants to Western countries, in the sanctioning of genocides committed by Islamic states against Christians and fellow Muslims? In the constant focus on Israel as the villain against a bunch of bloodthirsty Muslim orcs that call themselves Palestinians? How did it happen? Will free people rise up to change it - or is the Islamization of the world an inevitability - with or without the UN?

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Good points, Susan!

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Without a doubt, Biden and his leftist puppet-masters are controlling the US borders (or not controlling them) now. I'm thinking more of countries like Canada, Britain and other Western countries who've been importing massive numbers of Muslims to their shores for decades. At times these countries had leftist/liberal governments; at times, conservative. Both liberal and conservative governments had a role to play in making Muslims a significant "voting bloc" in their countries. And that bloc is pushing their governments to vote against Israel at the UN.

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RemovedJan 6·edited Jan 6
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I've been following trends for the last 30 years regarding Muslim immigration and the growing antagonism towards Israel by Western countries with large Muslim populations. I don't engage in conspiracy theories about specific players and politicians who may be involved. I deal in proof. You deal in conjecture. And if you want to blame Soros, that "subversive Jew" as you call him, join the billion others on social media who engage in speculation with no actual knowledge. I'm not defending Soros. Not at all. But you just sound like you like to rattle off names.

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Jan 3Liked by Joshua Hoffman

There is also a love of Iran by the American progressives. Amy Goodman did a ten minute report on the conflict between Yemen (Hothis) and Saudi Arabia and never once mentioned Iran. He opinion was that big bad Saudi Arabia was terrorizing Yemen and commiting genocide. Sound familiar? I really don't understand that world view.

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So I guess the Useless Nothing is systematically taking over the world by laying a stable groundwork for Iran, and they're barely even hiding it anymore. Makes my head spin how much the world hates us.

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The UN has lost all credibility. Its corruption is eating it alive. It’s love of all things Muslim is obvious. It no longer prevents wars because of the election to the security council of out and out despots. It has no purpose now, other than to push the ‘Human Right’ if highly questionable groups. Take no notice should be the reaction!

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Jan 3Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Immanuel Kant had the idea in his "Perpetual Peace" for a league of nations. While the League of Nations had some successes, it had been believed that it did not achieve the original concept of world peace (an idealist concept). Then the UN is created and with good intentions it started out fulfilling its mission, and then went astray. The UN has been bought by Qatar money, but there are many western country donors too. The UN was paid to keep the designation of "refugee" for the Palestinian people at their insistence. UNRWA was rewarded with more funds for doing so and its schools became a haven for Jew hating curriculum. Qatar's money has become a very dangerous tool in the Western world and the UN, whose name is now a misnomer, contributes and increases the hatred we're seeing for Jews all over the world. UNRWA, whose mandate is authorized by the UN General Assembly, which coincidentally, the Palestinians have an automatic majority, makes it easy to understand that this is one of the reasons UNRWA is the way it is. The UN and UNRWA's demise are long overdue, but money has a larger voice in this scenario, and that includes our politicians in the west, as well as Arab money. There is always someone or some organization that will rationalize accepting money over what is the moral thing to do. Humanity is secondary in our money driven world, and until that changes, it will be business as usual. The subject of Iran is a whole other conversation.

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Very well said Diane!

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