Charade is right. It's like forcing someone to play a part they don't want to play. Why is Israel responsible for babysitting a dangerous bully? These people are living in some perverse fantasy where Israel accepts to be a sacrificial lamb. Healthy people create healthy boundaries for a reason. Psych 101.
Luciferians are not healthy people and thats what they all are and it's why they do what they do, Muslim, Commie, Nazi, Biden, Soros, Musk, Zuckerberg, whatever you got, Luciferianism is the tie that binds.
As with most " conspiracy theories" it is claimed there are no generational Luciferians but there are and most every " Big Name" like I listed above is one of them.
If anyone remembers Walter Cronkite, he was the voice of the owl for many years at Bohemian Grove and that's just one example of people you might never suspect
Western Marxists, along with Islamists, comprised the PLO terrorist org and they are still waging war against Israel as members of the Islamo/Leftist Alliance (a.k.a. Red/Green Alliance). What the Saudis want or don't want is irrelevant; they are as scared of the Alliance as Western politicians are. The Alliance is STILL FIGHTING THE WAR OF 1948 AGAINST ISRAEL, USING THE PHONY PALESTINIAN CAUSE. LET'S STOP GIVING IT CREDIBILITY!
Note the following quote from PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen, the Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 31, 1977. "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.... [T]he moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
Well said! The whole idea is so flawed and will never work. The hypocrisy of the Arab Countries, is once again, eye watering. This can never be allowed to happen, it’s a massive trap!!!
I agree that it’s very hard to see how a Palestinian state in the near future will be anything other than a terror launchpad.
Still *something* has to be done for the West Bank and Gaza. Of course you get rid of Hamas. But then what? The PA is very weak. Some sort of political arrangement needs to be found that doesn’t suck.
According to fundamentalist of all religions, everybody with non-absolutists views is always 'weak' and 'unprincipled' ; the mistake is often made that it's easy to overrun societies where a majority is capable of doubt and (self)reflection. Unfortunately, those absolutists are unteachable as Israel has to prove again & again & again.
Obviously, he is a fundamentalist about fundamentalists.
Even more obviously there is one "fundamentalist " group trying Israel again and again and that is Satanism/Islam.
I know of no other alleged religion that has scripture which explicitly denies Satanic Authorship and I know of no other " religion" taking hostages from Israel for torture and eventual murder.
And I also don't believe less fundamental versions of Islam are anything but more insidious.
I have no desire to dress like a 17th century Pollock, but if you are going to practice a faith, you should actually adhere to it.
Mr Joshua Hoffman the final nail in the coffin, your facts a right 110% true, it's shame all of us have to look over our shoulders all the time, . They may be a way out by initiating a good monkey trap for greed ,when that is achieved other monkeys can't help . Am Israel chizak.
Within 24 hours of the ICC weighing in on Netanyahu, Israel, et cetera, young progressives here in Seattle, Washington, USA, were confronting me with “the ICC said…” and “… Netanyahu blah, blah, blah.” And the vast majority of these progressives know little to nothing about the history of Israel, the Mandate of Palestine, the Jews (in all their forms), & the Arabs. In fact they pride themselves on knowing nothing, with retorts like, “I don’t need to know the history in order to condemn Israel’s genocide!” The less their knowledge is, the more passionately they attempt to advocate for their (uncritical) positions.
I am more convinced than ever that Israel and Netanyahu are just further test cases for the use of institutional power to override law, tradition, and common sense, in western countries, in pursuit of the goal of a progressive revolution. Today it’s the people of Israel. Tomorrow it’s Trump voters, evangelical Christians, black American conservatives, et cetera.
That's why the clueless are suicidal. It is manifestly obvious that people of white western European descent are next on the Muslim hit list, and all the other Satanics and their organizations are behind the Muslims one hundred percent.
These are " The Times of the Gentiles " and it's only going to get much worse before it gets better.
But it won't last decades, nothing will.
Very obviously Israel was redeemed by God 76 years ago and the Diaspora came to an end, and immediately the enemies of God and His People began to dispute God's will.
And He won't tolerate that forever, or much longer.
Descent is not the central issue. Values are. Martians could land tomorrow, and if they converted to Christianity, a certain set of people, playing a flavor of the “eliteness game”, would instantly hate them (the converted Martians).
Please note that I use the word, “descent” to refer to Christians who believe they are Christians due to the faith of their parents, from whom they “descend.” But your point is well taken - many Christians believe that their faith is clothing they wear (and can casually take off), instead of a belief that they desperately cling to in order to prevent imminent drowning.
I had Kuwaiti room mates in school. Despite the nonsense of " Great respect for People of the Book" they were adamant that Christians would burn, specifically for their belief in the Christ.
They also told me they have no respect for Americans and consider us sissies because we allow them our women. If we tried that in Kuwait they would string us up by the testicles in the Town Square, they said.
As to the Saudis, they subscribed to a Saudi Lonely Hearts magazine solely to pass it around and mock the Saudis as geeky hicks. Brotherhood among Arab nations does not exist.
They all despise one another and they all hate Kuwait for it's wealth.Wild Donkeys of men is who they are, and they like it
Also, I don't recall the details or even which neighbor the IAF was fighting in 1982, but the dogfight was broadcast and it was dark comedy.
Israel, flying American Jets and Arabs flying Russian jets resulted in easily ten jets downed for every Israeli Jet.
It was the perfect time for my response to their US bashing, claiming we were, even then, a third world country.
And though it may seem like not much when I would laugh every time an Arab jet went down, but as much as they didn't like that, I could see it register painfully on their faces at the end of the lost sky battle when I casually said " 3rd rate power, huh"?
Will you please ask the Troll Anzabannannna to cease with the trolling? It seems to have no other purpose, at least on this site.
I would just ignore it's harassment, but I thought it might be better to let it keep on and verify it's relentless trolling.
I answered it the first time at length and it's determined to harass me since, despite me making it clear I won't continue and even telling it I would reach out to you.
> Anyone who has been paying attention during the last, I don’t know, 100 years can easily detect that a Palestinian state, right now, would be nothing more than a glorified launching pad for more virulent, antisemitic terrorism aimed at Israel.
What, specifically and technically, are you "detecting" here, and how are you doing that?
I think it was self-explanatory: a Palestinian state, right now, would be nothing more than a glorified launching pad for more virulent, antisemitic terrorism aimed at Israel. Exhibit A: October 7th.
A Fakestinian state at any point would invite the wrath of God.
But certainly not one with so little remaining time.
Regardless of opinion, there can be no doubt this is that day and it is that time when God has restored Judah and Jerusalem, this is the lead up to the showdown at Har Megiddo.
" And strangers will not pass through her anymore".
Charade is right. It's like forcing someone to play a part they don't want to play. Why is Israel responsible for babysitting a dangerous bully? These people are living in some perverse fantasy where Israel accepts to be a sacrificial lamb. Healthy people create healthy boundaries for a reason. Psych 101.
Luciferians are not healthy people and thats what they all are and it's why they do what they do, Muslim, Commie, Nazi, Biden, Soros, Musk, Zuckerberg, whatever you got, Luciferianism is the tie that binds.
As with most " conspiracy theories" it is claimed there are no generational Luciferians but there are and most every " Big Name" like I listed above is one of them.
If anyone remembers Walter Cronkite, he was the voice of the owl for many years at Bohemian Grove and that's just one example of people you might never suspect
Western Marxists, along with Islamists, comprised the PLO terrorist org and they are still waging war against Israel as members of the Islamo/Leftist Alliance (a.k.a. Red/Green Alliance). What the Saudis want or don't want is irrelevant; they are as scared of the Alliance as Western politicians are. The Alliance is STILL FIGHTING THE WAR OF 1948 AGAINST ISRAEL, USING THE PHONY PALESTINIAN CAUSE. LET'S STOP GIVING IT CREDIBILITY!
Note the following quote from PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen, the Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 31, 1977. "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.... [T]he moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
And that is one of many True Confessions of Fakestinian leaders.
Well said! The whole idea is so flawed and will never work. The hypocrisy of the Arab Countries, is once again, eye watering. This can never be allowed to happen, it’s a massive trap!!!
I agree that it’s very hard to see how a Palestinian state in the near future will be anything other than a terror launchpad.
Still *something* has to be done for the West Bank and Gaza. Of course you get rid of Hamas. But then what? The PA is very weak. Some sort of political arrangement needs to be found that doesn’t suck.
Not sure one exists. To be determined.
It doesn't become anyone's responsibility but the Fakestinians.
They tried to perpetrate a fraud and a genocide and if it ends up costing them more than they can afford it's their problem and it's self inflicted.
According to fundamentalist of all religions, everybody with non-absolutists views is always 'weak' and 'unprincipled' ; the mistake is often made that it's easy to overrun societies where a majority is capable of doubt and (self)reflection. Unfortunately, those absolutists are unteachable as Israel has to prove again & again & again.
Where did you learn this about all fundamentalists?
Obviously, he is a fundamentalist about fundamentalists.
Even more obviously there is one "fundamentalist " group trying Israel again and again and that is Satanism/Islam.
I know of no other alleged religion that has scripture which explicitly denies Satanic Authorship and I know of no other " religion" taking hostages from Israel for torture and eventual murder.
And I also don't believe less fundamental versions of Islam are anything but more insidious.
I have no desire to dress like a 17th century Pollock, but if you are going to practice a faith, you should actually adhere to it.
Mr Joshua Hoffman the final nail in the coffin, your facts a right 110% true, it's shame all of us have to look over our shoulders all the time, . They may be a way out by initiating a good monkey trap for greed ,when that is achieved other monkeys can't help . Am Israel chizak.
Within 24 hours of the ICC weighing in on Netanyahu, Israel, et cetera, young progressives here in Seattle, Washington, USA, were confronting me with “the ICC said…” and “… Netanyahu blah, blah, blah.” And the vast majority of these progressives know little to nothing about the history of Israel, the Mandate of Palestine, the Jews (in all their forms), & the Arabs. In fact they pride themselves on knowing nothing, with retorts like, “I don’t need to know the history in order to condemn Israel’s genocide!” The less their knowledge is, the more passionately they attempt to advocate for their (uncritical) positions.
I am more convinced than ever that Israel and Netanyahu are just further test cases for the use of institutional power to override law, tradition, and common sense, in western countries, in pursuit of the goal of a progressive revolution. Today it’s the people of Israel. Tomorrow it’s Trump voters, evangelical Christians, black American conservatives, et cetera.
That's why the clueless are suicidal. It is manifestly obvious that people of white western European descent are next on the Muslim hit list, and all the other Satanics and their organizations are behind the Muslims one hundred percent.
These are " The Times of the Gentiles " and it's only going to get much worse before it gets better.
But it won't last decades, nothing will.
Very obviously Israel was redeemed by God 76 years ago and the Diaspora came to an end, and immediately the enemies of God and His People began to dispute God's will.
And He won't tolerate that forever, or much longer.
Descent is not the central issue. Values are. Martians could land tomorrow, and if they converted to Christianity, a certain set of people, playing a flavor of the “eliteness game”, would instantly hate them (the converted Martians).
Please note that I use the word, “descent” to refer to Christians who believe they are Christians due to the faith of their parents, from whom they “descend.” But your point is well taken - many Christians believe that their faith is clothing they wear (and can casually take off), instead of a belief that they desperately cling to in order to prevent imminent drowning.
I could count the actual Christians I have known on one hand.
Churchian is not a synonym for Christian and decent Christians want nothing to do with Corporate State Churches.
Is the irony intentional?
How about the incessant trolling?
Is it intentional or can you just not help yourself?
I had Kuwaiti room mates in school. Despite the nonsense of " Great respect for People of the Book" they were adamant that Christians would burn, specifically for their belief in the Christ.
They also told me they have no respect for Americans and consider us sissies because we allow them our women. If we tried that in Kuwait they would string us up by the testicles in the Town Square, they said.
As to the Saudis, they subscribed to a Saudi Lonely Hearts magazine solely to pass it around and mock the Saudis as geeky hicks. Brotherhood among Arab nations does not exist.
They all despise one another and they all hate Kuwait for it's wealth.Wild Donkeys of men is who they are, and they like it
Also, I don't recall the details or even which neighbor the IAF was fighting in 1982, but the dogfight was broadcast and it was dark comedy.
Israel, flying American Jets and Arabs flying Russian jets resulted in easily ten jets downed for every Israeli Jet.
It was the perfect time for my response to their US bashing, claiming we were, even then, a third world country.
And though it may seem like not much when I would laugh every time an Arab jet went down, but as much as they didn't like that, I could see it register painfully on their faces at the end of the lost sky battle when I casually said " 3rd rate power, huh"?
Will you please ask the Troll Anzabannannna to cease with the trolling? It seems to have no other purpose, at least on this site.
I would just ignore it's harassment, but I thought it might be better to let it keep on and verify it's relentless trolling.
I answered it the first time at length and it's determined to harass me since, despite me making it clear I won't continue and even telling it I would reach out to you.
> Anyone who has been paying attention during the last, I don’t know, 100 years can easily detect that a Palestinian state, right now, would be nothing more than a glorified launching pad for more virulent, antisemitic terrorism aimed at Israel.
What, specifically and technically, are you "detecting" here, and how are you doing that?
I think it was self-explanatory: a Palestinian state, right now, would be nothing more than a glorified launching pad for more virulent, antisemitic terrorism aimed at Israel. Exhibit A: October 7th.
A Fakestinian state at any point would invite the wrath of God.
But certainly not one with so little remaining time.
Regardless of opinion, there can be no doubt this is that day and it is that time when God has restored Judah and Jerusalem, this is the lead up to the showdown at Har Megiddo.
" And strangers will not pass through her anymore".
"Would be" is a reference to the future, which does not yet exist.
Once again I ask you: what is it that you are technically "detecting", and how are you doing it? Please answer my question, or at least try to.
The Palestinians are mostly terrorists and terrorist supporters. Giving them a state would therefore be giving them a terrorist state.
Oh, for crying out loud, pretend something obvious is shrouded in mystery.
The only mystery here is what point do you imagine you have?
Why do you continue to dodge my question?
Write something coherent and I might.
Why do you not write a coherent answer to my question?
He is awake. It doesn't require anything beyond that and God.
Ah, so a form of soothsaying?
Ya know, you could dust off your Tanakh or Bible if you have either.