Things are getting weird. Israel is aligning with the European Far-Right and its Sunni Arab neighbors. The global political order is shifting — and the Jewish state must tread carefully.
It is exceptionally hard to lay out exactly what happens when, but it sure seems to line up with what’s happening in the Middle East. Other of the minor prophets have similar prophecies-a verse or two here and there. These listed seem to be the major segments. 🤷🏼♀️
Zechariah 9:14 speaks of Messiah/Christ appearing over the Jewish forces. substituted IDF for that and it’s interesting! Lebanon is “destroyed by fire” “Assyria is brought down “ and in Zechariah 12:2-3 “all nations will be brought up against Israel.” And “even the feeble will fight like David.” House of David will be like YHWH with “Angel of the Lord “ going before them (Messiah/Christ)
The second beast is also called the False Prophet, which points to Mohammed? He is opposed by the true Lamb (Messiah/Christ) with 144K army. Then the last six of seven plagues are unleashed and Armageddon occurs -God wins. ☺️ Some Christians link the beasts of Daniel to the ones of Revelation. Nations that attack Israel in the “last days.”
That’s “666” Rev. 13:18 -the “number of a man.” He is preceded by beasts. From the sea-a bear-footed leopard with mouth of a lion; given power by the Dragon (Satan or China, not much difference in my view!) who reigns for 42 months (2,300 days). All “will worship him” and then a second beast (horned lamb who speaks as a dragon) makes everyone worship the first beast. (Some say this is an apostate church or pope) This lamb beast makes an image of the first beast who had a head cutoff and the fatal wound healed. Forces all to worship the image and this is 666. Ultimate evil.
And then in Daniel 7 is the vision of the Four Beasts: lion with eagles wings (Persia/Iran? Or UK Griffin with the USA eagle?) and bear (Russia) , winged four-headed leopard (🤷🏼♀️ other nations of Middle East?) Then the terrible iron-toothed beast -which some say was Rome, but it seems to match the nature of a prophecy in The Revelation of John.
Skipping to last of Daniel (Dan. 12) He talks of Michael the Archangel arising and of a resurrection-which may link to the “dry bones” vision of Ezekiel. Got to say this is intriguing because I don’t think all the Jewish cemeteries were there on Mount Olivet & Scopus in Ezekiel’s time! Clearly he’s set in the “middle of the valley” which is the Kidron Valley?
Temple is rebuilt and established, the Prince (Messiah) rules from there. It’s curious that this lines up with the Christian teaching of the Millennium (1000 year reign) of Christ.
It is remarkable that Eze. 39 describes people looking for bones in the Armageddon Valley and setting markers -what we do today to identify body parts!
Next verse-this conglomerate of nations is destroyed. Thought to be Russia, Iran, China, NoKo, Turkey, the Muslim nations around the Black & Caspian seas (the “stans” I call them)
Finally! Sorry, but too many doctor visits and PT sessions. The first is Ezekial 35-38, read altogether. Some seem to be dual prophecies (🤷🏼♀️) about events fulfilled but also in future Israel. Clearly Jews returned starting in 1948 (Isaiah 66:8) and it’s accelerating under this crazy antisemitism right now. (Eze. 34:11-13) 38 is where Magog Prince of Rosh (Russia?) Meshach and Tubal show up along with Persia, Ethiopia, Put, Gomer, Beth-Togarmah, & “many peoples with you” all come up against a restored or at least partly restored Israel. YHWH steps in here Eze, 38:23 “And I shall magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of the nations; and they will know that I am the Lord.”
A fascinating account of the relationship between all of these countries and Israel. I agree that Israel must tread very carefully because in this game of chess, no one can be trusted.
This is quite alot to digest and I think I will re-read it before commenting. In any event, your analysis brings forth the various relationships seen in a new light.
The far right in Europe supports the Jews and Israel, and quite sincerely I think, but also supports Russia, who supports Iran... The lefts pretends to fight antisemitism, but are also very supportive of Palestina and radical Islam, who are very anti Israel. Still I think comparing far right and far left of the 2020's and of the 1940's hinks. There have been massive changes in their DNA within the last 80 years. Regarding Sunni countries, their regimes are pragmatic, that's a good thing. They probably dislike Israel, but they can live with it, that's more than enough. Their crowds however are massively anti Israel, and could overturn their regimes. The best interest of Israel is thus to help keep those regimes in place, however authoritarian and backward they are. Because the alternative is 1000x worse.
This my Analysis about how support for Trump is NOT support for The Far Right and the Genocidal Nazis who also support him:-
The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers are violent Militias, and Nazi Militias were heavily involved in the January 6th attack on The Capitol, which Trump organised. He is also lying about Joe Biden's election in November 2020. But Trump is the right guy to take out Nuclear Iran.
Hence the conundrum: Support for Trump might get the Nazi Elements in Christian Nationalism.
American Leaders are also War Leaders, and it is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. Only Trump will stop Iran. He is the only game in town. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however, (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
HOWEVER: End Time Prophesy of the Nazi / Far Right sort talks of Armageddon and the Destruction of The Jewish State. So I am careful what I wish for. The Destruction of Iran's Nuclear Project could be in the hands of Christian Nationalists who see Israel as collateral damage. Trump is still the man to Eliminate Iran's Nuclear Threat. But Israel must be VERY CAREFUL not to allow Nazi Elements to use the cover of Christian Nationalism by using Trump to Commit Genocide against The Jewish People and against Israel, as Iran's Nukes are taken out.
So if The Far Right and the Genocidal Nazis would come to power on Trump's Election, I am against. But I do not think they will, and a strong FBI and CIA presence can prevent this too, in the way the Security Services prevent The Nazis using The Far Right to take power here in The UK. BUT IT IS A CLOSE CALL. Hope this analysis Helps. Am Chai.
"if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated."?? It seems that view is a politically motivated preference bias that contradicts the statistics of continually increasing violence initiated by the Arabs of Samaria and Judea towards Jewish residents in those areas?
All these new alignments are prophesied. Mostly in Isaiah, Joel, Daniel, and the minor prophets. And Revelation!
If you have details from the Prophets' writings, would provide Sections/Lines?
I’m compiling them for you. Just takes awhile!
It is exceptionally hard to lay out exactly what happens when, but it sure seems to line up with what’s happening in the Middle East. Other of the minor prophets have similar prophecies-a verse or two here and there. These listed seem to be the major segments. 🤷🏼♀️
Zechariah 9:14 speaks of Messiah/Christ appearing over the Jewish forces. substituted IDF for that and it’s interesting! Lebanon is “destroyed by fire” “Assyria is brought down “ and in Zechariah 12:2-3 “all nations will be brought up against Israel.” And “even the feeble will fight like David.” House of David will be like YHWH with “Angel of the Lord “ going before them (Messiah/Christ)
The second beast is also called the False Prophet, which points to Mohammed? He is opposed by the true Lamb (Messiah/Christ) with 144K army. Then the last six of seven plagues are unleashed and Armageddon occurs -God wins. ☺️ Some Christians link the beasts of Daniel to the ones of Revelation. Nations that attack Israel in the “last days.”
That’s “666” Rev. 13:18 -the “number of a man.” He is preceded by beasts. From the sea-a bear-footed leopard with mouth of a lion; given power by the Dragon (Satan or China, not much difference in my view!) who reigns for 42 months (2,300 days). All “will worship him” and then a second beast (horned lamb who speaks as a dragon) makes everyone worship the first beast. (Some say this is an apostate church or pope) This lamb beast makes an image of the first beast who had a head cutoff and the fatal wound healed. Forces all to worship the image and this is 666. Ultimate evil.
And then in Daniel 7 is the vision of the Four Beasts: lion with eagles wings (Persia/Iran? Or UK Griffin with the USA eagle?) and bear (Russia) , winged four-headed leopard (🤷🏼♀️ other nations of Middle East?) Then the terrible iron-toothed beast -which some say was Rome, but it seems to match the nature of a prophecy in The Revelation of John.
Daniel 8 talks of 2,300 “evenings and mornings” between destruction of Temple by Rome and the holy place restored by the Israelis.
Skipping to last of Daniel (Dan. 12) He talks of Michael the Archangel arising and of a resurrection-which may link to the “dry bones” vision of Ezekiel. Got to say this is intriguing because I don’t think all the Jewish cemeteries were there on Mount Olivet & Scopus in Ezekiel’s time! Clearly he’s set in the “middle of the valley” which is the Kidron Valley?
Temple is rebuilt and established, the Prince (Messiah) rules from there. It’s curious that this lines up with the Christian teaching of the Millennium (1000 year reign) of Christ.
It is remarkable that Eze. 39 describes people looking for bones in the Armageddon Valley and setting markers -what we do today to identify body parts!
Next verse-this conglomerate of nations is destroyed. Thought to be Russia, Iran, China, NoKo, Turkey, the Muslim nations around the Black & Caspian seas (the “stans” I call them)
Finally! Sorry, but too many doctor visits and PT sessions. The first is Ezekial 35-38, read altogether. Some seem to be dual prophecies (🤷🏼♀️) about events fulfilled but also in future Israel. Clearly Jews returned starting in 1948 (Isaiah 66:8) and it’s accelerating under this crazy antisemitism right now. (Eze. 34:11-13) 38 is where Magog Prince of Rosh (Russia?) Meshach and Tubal show up along with Persia, Ethiopia, Put, Gomer, Beth-Togarmah, & “many peoples with you” all come up against a restored or at least partly restored Israel. YHWH steps in here Eze, 38:23 “And I shall magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of the nations; and they will know that I am the Lord.”
No hurry per se. Thank you!
A fascinating account of the relationship between all of these countries and Israel. I agree that Israel must tread very carefully because in this game of chess, no one can be trusted.
This is quite alot to digest and I think I will re-read it before commenting. In any event, your analysis brings forth the various relationships seen in a new light.
The far right in Europe supports the Jews and Israel, and quite sincerely I think, but also supports Russia, who supports Iran... The lefts pretends to fight antisemitism, but are also very supportive of Palestina and radical Islam, who are very anti Israel. Still I think comparing far right and far left of the 2020's and of the 1940's hinks. There have been massive changes in their DNA within the last 80 years. Regarding Sunni countries, their regimes are pragmatic, that's a good thing. They probably dislike Israel, but they can live with it, that's more than enough. Their crowds however are massively anti Israel, and could overturn their regimes. The best interest of Israel is thus to help keep those regimes in place, however authoritarian and backward they are. Because the alternative is 1000x worse.
This my Analysis about how support for Trump is NOT support for The Far Right and the Genocidal Nazis who also support him:-
The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers are violent Militias, and Nazi Militias were heavily involved in the January 6th attack on The Capitol, which Trump organised. He is also lying about Joe Biden's election in November 2020. But Trump is the right guy to take out Nuclear Iran.
Hence the conundrum: Support for Trump might get the Nazi Elements in Christian Nationalism.
American Leaders are also War Leaders, and it is Time to welcome and accept Trump as the War Leader he is. Only Trump will stop Iran. He is the only game in town. America successfully saw down the Threats of Genocidal Nazism and Totalitarian Communism. She is at present seeing off the Threat of Islam. In this Historical context, Trump's purpose is to remove the Threat of Nuclear Iran to Israel, Europe and The West. BUT He must be cautioned about the threat and danger of over-reach however, (and the danger of the present Neo-Nazism to both Freedom and Democracy) and the blow-back threat to Israel if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated. In other words, The Palestinians get Self Governed Area A in The West Bank (but not a 'State' which would imply the right to an Army or borders to traffic Arms across, given that Hamas is sworn to Genocide against The Jewish People). Thus, I am supporting Donald Trump for President in November 2024: He is a War Leader: This is how they come.
HOWEVER: End Time Prophesy of the Nazi / Far Right sort talks of Armageddon and the Destruction of The Jewish State. So I am careful what I wish for. The Destruction of Iran's Nuclear Project could be in the hands of Christian Nationalists who see Israel as collateral damage. Trump is still the man to Eliminate Iran's Nuclear Threat. But Israel must be VERY CAREFUL not to allow Nazi Elements to use the cover of Christian Nationalism by using Trump to Commit Genocide against The Jewish People and against Israel, as Iran's Nukes are taken out.
So if The Far Right and the Genocidal Nazis would come to power on Trump's Election, I am against. But I do not think they will, and a strong FBI and CIA presence can prevent this too, in the way the Security Services prevent The Nazis using The Far Right to take power here in The UK. BUT IT IS A CLOSE CALL. Hope this analysis Helps. Am Chai.
"if the Palestinians of The West Bank are miss-treated."?? It seems that view is a politically motivated preference bias that contradicts the statistics of continually increasing violence initiated by the Arabs of Samaria and Judea towards Jewish residents in those areas?
WW3 on TV and a few false flags are certainly options, but there is so much more: