Great piece, Josh. And courageous of you to write it. These progressive extremists are indeed (to paraphrase William Deresiewicz) trying to make sure they end up with more stuff — more wealth, status, power, access, comfort, freedom — than most other people. Just like their non-Jewish counterparts. Have you read "Woke Anti-Semitism: How A Progressive Ideology Harms Jews"? The author, David L. Bernstein, is a big shot in American Jewish organizations - and a progressive - who learned how tyrannical the left can be to anyone who questions their dogma. Another good book about this topic is: "To Heal The World? How The Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel" by Jonathan Neumann.

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Thanks Susan! I’ll look into these books!

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Joshua- Self-hating Jews strike again, much to our detriment. Can't stand these people and I can no longer and will no longer consider them Jews. They disgust me.

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Not sure I agree with not considering them Jews, we should keep the door open for them to learn better and change, but definitely not tolerate anti-Jewish attitudes and behaviors!

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I will respectfully disagree. At this point they are working hard to amplify global antisemitism. Not sure there’s a way back from that.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

You are painting with a very broad brush. I do not blame you for what others say or do and as a "progressive Jew" and stalwart defender of Israel (as so many others I know) don't try to do that to me

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Hi Ed, I understand that there are many progressive Jews who support Israel, hence why I used the words "many progressive Jews" and not "all progressive Jews" throughout this essay. However, the overarching progressive/"woke" agenda is inherently anti-Israel, much of which stems from or uses parts of antisemitism as its basis.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

No. That is what I reject. I don't know what "woke" is but my community, most of whom would qualify as "progressive" is completely pro-Israel ( not pro it's current Government to be sure) and obviously not antisemitic

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I fully appreciate that many progressives support Israel and are not antisemitic. But as William Russell Mead, a notable author and non-Jew, wrote: "The single most important thing about Israel that most Americans do not understand is that the Jewish state was founded on a reasonable and historically justified skepticism about the ability of the liberal order to protect Jews."

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

I have observed various degrees of so-called "progressivism" among Jews. But I have seen how some of the extreme progressives have corrupted Jewish organizations in my own community - and I'm trying to fight it!

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Excellent piece. It boggles the mind how insane so many Jews have become in allowing their thinking to be hijacked by Marxist and other totalitarian ideas. The good news is that they have gone so far that finally there is the beginning of pushback against them. A large majority of Americans still support Israel, but the louts and brutes hijacked the conversation. Abigail Shrier has an article in the December issue of Commentary, briefly excerpted in today's Wall Street Journal, where she traces the leftist extremist mindset to the "highly concentrated envy" implicit in Marxism: "Hate the man who is better off than you are." I think people have hated Jews often for this reason: envy. How we have survived and flourished despite endless persecutions, and not been emotionally ruined by it? How do we continue to revere life and not become consumed with the revenge mindset? People can't wrap their heads around that. God willing we will see brighter days ahead. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Very well said Judy! Thanks for sharing!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua Hoffman

Yes. As with any good Jew, I have disagreements with some of the initiatives and goals of the leadership of my Synagogue but none of them relate to Israel. I think many of the organizations said to have been "corrupted" were formed as alternatives to mainstream Jewish views and, yes, sadly some of them have veered into foolish and destructive positions. But I could say the same for AIPAC which has become very right wing oriented as a full throated supporter of the current Prime Minister and his Government and American politicians who have supported the insurrection and other anti-democratic (small d) efforts. The current situation, IMHO, calls for a deeper consideration of k'lal yisrael and a recognition of kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh rather than assertions that my Judaism is better than yours.

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I think it’s very hard for an org like AIPAC to take an actual stand on internal Israeli dissent. That’s not what it exists for. It stays on one message. That org may not appeal to you and that’s fine. There are other Jewish pro Israel orgs that do take a stand on the judicial issue.

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I’m sure the Israeli government very influenced by what these progressive groups say regarding October 7. Like it defines their policy. What useless idiots.

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shavua tov to you. No. The Israeli Government only listens to its political allies; not us. I'd be careful before I called anybody an idiot. Maybe this would not have happened if they knew how to listen: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-20/ty-article-magazine/.premium/the-women-soldiers-who-warned-of-a-pending-hamas-attack-and-were-ignored/0000018b-ed76-d4f0-affb-eff740150000

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Why would the Israeli government listen to some legit American org. As far as missing the signs of the Hamas invasion that’s another story. Heads should roll.

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Typo. Left wing. Not legit.

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