Those who have chosen to promote and defend Hamas cannot admit that the sexual violence is real, because that would make them monsters. If they admit that the rape and sexual mutilation that was perpetrated on October 7th is real, they must then admit that their support of Hamas makes them vile and inhumane, and they can't cope with that.

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If you ever get the opportunity it’s worthwhile asking pro-Palestine advocates what would the Palestinians have to do for them to not support or defend them?

There’s usually a pause: first at being asked such an unlikely question then as they search for an answer that isn’t: ‘There is nothing they can’t do for which I’d withdraw my support’.

For to give that, honest, answer would reveal this is a question of faith over facts.

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I would say it's a matter of ignorance over facts.

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I wish that were so.

If it were so, people who in normal circumstances would distance themselves from something like mass rape, would be happy to condemn what happened in October 7th - but they don’t or won’t. Here the belief in the Palestinian cause is so strong that awkward things such as facts or attempts to discover why/what cannot be allowed to get in the way, for the good of the cause, of course.

I have a horrid feeling we are not witnessing a usual form of antisemitism which acting like a gateway drug, such as marijuana, leads to a gradual increase in antisemitic activity.

No, we’re in the fast track this anti/Jewish/Semitic/Zionist rhetoric is more like a widely prescribed medication like OxyContin or other opioids which are addictive and leave people craving for more and more…….

Interesting times indeed.

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I think that antisemitism can take any form; some people use hatred to make themselves feel superior, or feel like they have some control in the world.

I just know that I'm not going to deny reality, or offer to lay down and die because some strangers don't want us here.

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Good for you. 👍👍

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These progressives know full well that everything Israel says happened in Oct 7 is true but it doesn't fit their narrative. Just like they know there is no apartheid or genocide going on. This is all an ideological show with little truth behind it because hatred of Jews trumps all.

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that is what makes me so depressed sometimes. i have lost so many friends and then my own sibling told me i support “gen+cide” by supporting Israel and speaking against rampant antisemitism. :(

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Rape denial by the Islamo/Leftist Alliance (a.k.a. Red/Green Alliance) is part and parcel of the terrible evil we are seeing these days on a global level. But rape is a common Islamist atrocity and not only against Jews.

In the article “The Inevitable Palestinian Terror State” (https://www.futureofjewish.com/p/the-inevitable-palestinian-terror) Nachum and Hoffman write that “In 1976, the Palestinians tried to overthrow the Lebanese government using the same barbaric tactics that Palestinians used on October 7th. At one event in Damour, a Maronite Christian town south of Beirut, they butchered hundreds of Lebanese civilians, raped women, and shot babies in the head from close range.”

For more accounts of rape in the name of Islam check out the Gatestone Institute for the following stories:




These are but a sample of the many accounts of rape and other brutalities committed by followers of the so-called “Religion of Peace” and denied by their allies of convenience: the Left. Leftists who wag their fingers and try to force everyone’s silence, lest they be dubbed “Islamophobic” (which is akin to “racist”).

Put it this way, if you are not Islamophobic, you are a fool. Even so-called “moderate Muslims” are Islamophobic because they know what their co-religionists are capable of and stay silent to avoid incurring their wrath.

So while the Left feels free to shout rape against non-Muslims in Hollywood and Washington, DC, their collective mouth clamps shut when Muslims rape Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, their fellow Muslims - even innocent goats - all over the world.

What else is new?

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Anyone who discredits the victims of sexual violence from October 7th is morally twisted…evil! Thank you for this powerful article.

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Particularly want to shine spotlight on Code Pink a supposed women's organization that condones and justifies rape under certain political circumstances. They should be ashamed.

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These feminist rape deniers should be forced to sit down and actually read the Koran. Then they might, just maybe, change their minds about the true nature of Islam. 🙄

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Well, if they read it in English or any language other than Arabic, they will be too bored to get through the first few suras.

It's got a splendid poetry in the original, but turns very stodgy, boring, repetitive and propagandistic when "translated."

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I’m sure! It’s like reading the New Testament in Greek. I slogged through the Koran though. Very disorganized!

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Muslims in America do not face rape and mass murder. What it's like to be a muslim in America is a very good life unlike where they came from. They certainly feel emboldened enough in our free country to march through the streets calling for our death and destruction without fear of arrest or reprisal. Pretty ironic. Susan Sarandon is mentally ill as well as antisemitic.


"Publications like The Intercept have dedicated themselves to attempting to discredit any and all accusations of sexual violence on October 7th; in April “activist” Susan Sarandon, who stirred controversy in November when she told a crowd that antisemitism gives Jewish people “a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country,” referred to the rapes by Hamas as myths".

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Powerful article. Thank you for sharing!

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Always thought that sisterhood is powerful. Until I asked my “sisters “ to sign a petition against the silence. Either crickets or getting cancelled for promoting “Zionist propaganda “. I don’t need them. And FCK HMS.

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The foundation stone is only whites can be racists ......and rapists.

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There are entire substacks and other writing devoted to Hamas rape denialism.

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Wonderful article !!!....do you expect the United Nations to do something about the atrocious sexual vi olence ?.....l will keep my fingers crossed !!!!.....

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Reluctant to call the repugnant Hamas-loving nihilists ‘the Left’ as I’m old enough to remember when English, left-of-center people/supporters, whatever, were some of the most decent human beings imaginable, who simply imagined that our model could be reformed with some well targeted redistribution of funds, particularly towards education. Today, the Left appears to be a vehicle for the most marginal, disaffected anti-social types: anarchists, deviants, parasites, antisemites, base criminals, and not forgetting a revolutionary bureaucracy who would like to (get paid loads to) represent them. Anyway, the behaviour of this motley crew since the heinous crimes of October 7th are beyond the pale and make me skeptical as to whether we can actually live amongst them.

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I'm not sure if I understand what you mean here, so forgive me if I'm misinterpreting. In my opinion, the pro-Palestinian protesters/demonstrators are fueled by the acceptance of Hamas propaganda and by antisemitism. To me, this is willful ignorance. Are you saying they are fueled by faith?

I am not including here people who support those Palestinians who are stuck in a war zone created by their government, which refuses to do the one thing that would bring about a ceasefire (at least).

It is a fact of war that children die, but only a monster would rejoice in the death of children.

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Wonderful article!!!.....Are we expecting the United Nations to do something about the atrocious sexual violence perpretated by Hamas ?.....

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Excellent article.

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