A strong economy is the foundation of national strength. It was England's sophisticated financial system and maritime trade that allowed it to resist Napoleon when he controlled most of Europe. It was American industrial might that allowed it to build a massive military in record time for WW2. And it is Israeli high tech that makes it an important power in the Middle East.

A strong economy depends on rule of law and effective government. It was wonderful news to read this article and realize, once again, that the Palestinian territory will not have an economy like Singapore or Taiwan any time soon. In that, the Palestinians have indeed gotten the government they deserve.

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Once this war is over, how many Gazans like Ala Mohammed Mushtaha will there be to create a foundation for peace with Israel? Secondly, I don't know why we are so weak in the PR battle? This has to be as much a priority as military superiority. We need to vividly show the world that this war is not about Muslims and Jews. It is about Muslims and Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and everyone else. We dont emphasize that enough.

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Jul 17
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