Excellent article. The US needs a leader (ie Trump) who does not pander to Dearborn, MI. Who will take the fight directly to Iran! Iran is indeed the head of the octopus financing all of its terrorist tentacles which surround the State of Israel. There is no hope of change from the US with the ongoing Obama/Biden/Harris MidEast foreign policy; it has been an abject failure!!

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This was a brilliant article! My own shame today for the ridiculous British Foreign Secretary. Saying he has blocked certain weapons to Israel. Spewing out that exact phrase - ‘we respect Israel’s right to defend its self ‘ Filth! If you knew what contempt this man is held in by a huge number of Brit’s, you would be astonished! He has made so many imbecilic mistakes in the past and they are coming back to haunt him. The saving grace of all of these western regimes, is the default, Israel has the right to defend itself. A very convenient way of doing whatever they want, followed by a piecemeal get out of jail free card. Totally despicable !!

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First, Israel needs to increase its weapons manufacturing so that it is less dependent on the U.S. Second, since when do we care about what others think? The ICC? The UN? They're against us no matter what, so why bother worrying about international reactions? Deter!!! Third, the citizens should stop demanding a ceasefire -- this just feeds right into Hamas' hands. I never thought I'd see Israel acting like just another brunch of woke westerners. The point of war is to obliterate the enemy. You do not pause for Ramadan, vaccines, or anything else. You do not give them humanitarian aid (countries used to block aid, not enable it during war) or water or energy. You turn the screws so tight they have no choice but to surrender, and then you make your demands. Isn't that just War 101? To hell with the rest of the world. As far as Iran: there's those oil fields. And assassinations should keep on happening.

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Unfortunately, the only thing islamists respect is strength. To paraphrase Jim Malone, played by Sean Connery, in the 1987 movie, The Untouchables: You come at us with a knife, we come back at you with a gun. You put one of us in the hospital, we put 10 of yours in the morgue. You kill our hostages, we kill you and your extended family. We eliminate your DNA from the earth. When you're up against a death cult, deterrence is a must, especially when you're outnumbered 100 to 1.

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Or at least decimated a little bit.

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Which is why Tehran needs to be nuked! 😂

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Totally agree with you Josh. First, Israel must develop a plan - a goal, as it were - for what the country should look like. And I believe that vision should include so-called contested territories like Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Not only are these areas part of our cultural and religious heritage, they are needed for strategic defensive reasons AND - to provide living space for the millions of Diaspora Jews making Aliyah thanks to the worldwide anti-Semitism that is driving us out of our present homes. Next is the "how" to achieve it. This must include pre-emptive action against terrorists AND their civilian supporters. Which means no more warnings to an enemy population that are over and above what international law prescribes.

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Great article and summary of the constraints placed on Israel. Israel needs to build up its military-industrial complex so it can limit dependence on the West, especially the U.S.

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It's not isolated to Isreal. The Biden administration won't allow Ukraine to use it's weapons as it sees fit thus hobbling Ukraine's ability to inflict even a proportional response. Israel and as an extension, diaspora Jews, are facing an existential crisis. Will we continue to exist or not? We must come out on top and in 5 years, nobody will remember except us and our enemies. Israel needs to do what she needs to do.

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Yea, and how did that thinking workout for the USA in Vietnam?

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This conflict has been ongoing for centuries. I’ve heard it said “there are no good guys” when it comes to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I think that’s a dangerous lie.

Islamism is a threat to the western world too.

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Israel needs to deter terror decisively not just mow the lawn periodically

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Trump won't let Iran go nuclear. Real threat to Europe and The West: Islamist Iran with nukes.

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Israel is surrounded by Islamic extremists. What else needs to be said ? Arabs can’t fight a traditional war. They use surprise attack and then split in a hurry.

It must make theocratic dictators very nervous having a thriving democracy so close to them.

They can’t leave Jews alone to save their useless lives.

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“If Israel is to survive in perpetuity, the Jewish state must restore its all-important doctrine of uninhibited deterrence. Hopefully the international community understands this, but if not, Israel might have to go at it alone.”

An excellent piece of work, expressing a number of fundamental truths, which most people either reject, or cannot accept as inescapable reality. Meanwhile, the threats grow more and more powerful, and all the more difficult to face and contend against.

It is an easy thing to tell Israelis what they should do, when one is living thousands of miles away and not subject to the price of such actions in blood, heartbreak, and devastation. But you ‘have skin in the game’ and I, an American Christian Zionist, simply could not possibly agree with you more wholeheartedly.

That said, my Bible, which is comprised of the Tanakh and Brit Hadasha, makes it very clear that modern Israel will indeed ultimately be forced to ‘go it alone’, and it will be ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble; a time of unparalleled hardship and loss.

But, G-d…

BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth), G-d will be with His people Israel as they go through the refiners fire. And He will bring those who love Him out of this dark period of human history to enter into the fullness of His promises made to the Patriarchs; to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And with them, those redeemed from the world through like faith as Abraham’s; through the blessings of his Seed.

There will yet be many failures; many futile attempts to avoid facing the reality foretold more than two thousand years ago. But face it you will. There will be great feats of valor and courage, great victories, and great losses. And the greatest deception and subsequent betrayal of the Chosen People that will ever occur lies in the time ahead; the not-too-distant time, it would seem.

But, G-d…

Despite all ‘evidence’ to the contrary, or lack thereof; regardless of doubts, mockery, or disbelief, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the true and everlasting G-d. There is no other; He has no equal, and His Word shall stand and be fulfilled, in every detail. He will fulfill His purposes for, and His promises to, His Chosen People - and to all who call upon His Name; who put their trust in Him for salvation.

And those who are saved will find, if they did not know it clearly beforehand, that it was only through the sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua - the Jewish Savior of the world - that their sins have been forgiven and they may come into the presence of the Father; that they have, and will forever enjoy, eternal life full of incomprehensible glories.

Daniel 12:1-10

1 “At that time, the great prince, Michael, who stands beside the sons of your people, will appear. It will be a time of trouble, the like of which has never been since the nation came into being. At that time, your people will be rescued, all who are found inscribed in the book. 2 Many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, others to reproaches, to everlasting abhorrence. 3 And the knowledgeable will be radiant like the bright expanse of sky, and those who lead the many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever.

4 “But you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will range far and wide and knowledge will increase.”

5 Then I, Daniel, looked and saw two others standing, one on one bank of the river, the other on the other bank of the river. 6 One said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the water of the river, “How long until the end of these awful things?" 7 Then I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the water of the river, swear by the Ever-Living One as he lifted his right hand and his left hand to heaven: “For a time, times, and half a time; and when the breaking of the power of the holy people comes to an end, then shall all these things be fulfilled.”

8 I heard and did not understand, so I said, “My lord, what will be the outcome of these things?" 9 He said, “Go, Daniel, for these words are secret and sealed to the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified and purged and refined; the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand; but the knowledgeable will understand.”

John 14:6

Yeshua said, "I AM the Way—and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 3:19-21

19 "Now this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, but people loved the darkness rather than the light. Why? Because their actions were wicked. 20 For everyone who does evil things hates the light and avoids it, so that his actions won't be exposed. 21 But everyone who does what is true comes to the light, so that all may see that his actions are accomplished through God."

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.” Robert Frost

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The Solution.

One state, two state, negotiate around the clock. It’s all go-nowhere, cart before the horse misdirection. First you need to take step one.

The only ones with the potential to re-educate the hate out of Palestinians, are the 80% of the Iranian population who would love to be out from under the Ayatollah’s repressive Islamist regime.

How do we get there?

The longer, harder way is the reactivation of the Trump economic embargo of Iran. Enhanced by the disabling of their oil industry and, of course, snuffing out their nascent nuclear capabilities. But that will heighten civilian suffering, which might risk backlash against the liberators.

The shorter, quicker way. Follow the preemptive playbook of when Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran. Surprise the world by summarily and mercilessly wiping out the Iranian paramilitary Revolutionary Guards and, of course, martyr the Ayatollah and his inner circle. Decapitate the octopus. Take out whatever other strategic targets you can get. Collateral damage be damned.

The Iranian proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and hiding in plain sight in the US (perhaps even Kamaflaged in DC), will flail about in confused panic until they either wither and/or are wiped away.

Arguably, any cries of protest will shortly be drowned out by the cheers of everyone else.

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If the US just responded to the The Axis of Irans Network and Iranian assaults on its peacetime materiel this point could be moot.

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But deterrence is not only military. You can deter incipient (as opposed to existing, which only responds to military measures) Jihadism by taking control of the educational system in Gaza and West Bank, for example by importing Sufis to teach the peaceful version of Islam. You can also deter it by giving Palestinians who can be demonstrated to be peaceful, good, honorable jobs (instead of handouts) in villages instead of cities. They will thrive in villages, they wilt and are more amenable to despair and Jihadism in cities.

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"Let's go Brandon" and get the job over with already.

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Israel needs to tell Biden, Kamala, Blinken et al to go to hell. If Israel must go it alone, so be it. What does it have to lose by defying so-called "allies" who are hindering its ability to fight anyway.

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Laura, Bibi has done that I believe. If this administration can't understand the importance and absolute 100% necessity for Israel to control the Philadelphi corridor to prevent Hamas or any other entity from re-arming then they're dumber than I thought...And that's pretty damn dumb!!

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