Good one. I was recently reading a Robert Reich blog (to keep tabs on what the leftie anti-semites are thinking) and there was an entire exchange about all the other groups that don't have their own country (Armenians, Tibetans, Kurds, etc. etc.) as if that means Israel shouldn't exist. Sure, it's sad for them. But god forbid Jews should have something before someone else. It's very interesting.

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Turn that question around on them by asking them why they think "palestinian" statehood is more important than providing statehood to the Kurds, Tibetans and Armenians?

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May 22
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Jews are the original people of Israel. Palestine is not an Arabic word; it was the name the Romans gave to the land. Jews were in Israel thousands of years before the Arab conquest, thousands of years before the existence of islam. Palestine was only a geographical region, never a nation.

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May 22
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The genocides in the Middle East were perpetrated against Jews in just about every Arab/muslim nation where there is virtually no Jews left and in the territory of Palestine before Jews reconstituted their homeland. And another attempted genocide when the Arabs attacked Israel upon its founding.

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Thanks for exposing what a reprehensible, vile bigot you are. Israel is here to stay from the river to the sea. So get used to it and keep on seething.

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May 22
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Accusing someone of racism is always the fallback position for those who have no argument to make.

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What??? Armenians have a country, it’s called Armenia 🤦🏻‍♀️. Tibetans have a country, it’s called Tibet 🤦🏻‍♀️. Tibet was taken over by China in 1950, and Tibetan struggle for liberation has been a cause celebre with the liberal types way back when the word “liberal” had something to do with freedom and human rights. Kurds are struggling mightily trying to carve out a state.

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I'm just reporting what these people were texting. I wasn't sure about the independence of Tibet, etc. Thanks for clarifying. But the main point was how horrible that Israel should be a state when these other peoples were stateless (true or not).

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Nice touch with the Khaybar reference. One of my all time favorites from the death cult established by the illiterate pedophile. May the umma meet a natural selection event that wipes them from the face of the earth. Perhaps it is time for Hashem to provide a miracle.

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The truth nicely veiled with tongue in cheek. Yes, those 10 steps will definitely alleviate any guilt felt by those who harbor hate and stereotypes about Jews. Oh, wait, they don't have hate, it's ignorance and stupidity, coupled with wanting everyone who feels the same to "like" them.

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When did being liked become so important? Well, we don't need to worry about falling into that trap. I have taken to wearing it as a badge of honor, as . . . it will never change.

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This is how the young social media addicts respond to how many likes they can get. Sickening. I was never that insecure and certainly not now.

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I agree. But also I wonder if they are looking for a cause and all the important ones are fairly well taken care of. Not perfectly, but civil gay and women’s rights the boomers pretty much okay or well on the way. Hence the crazy intersectional woke-ism we’re seeing, exacerbated by social media and the mania for likes.

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"like trying to separate chocolate chips from cookie dough after the cookies have been baked." 🤣🍪 love that!

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I often don't agree with you, but this was pretty "spot-on" as they say.

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You forgot the requisite "some of my best friends are Jewish" as the disclaimer to all antisemitism.

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Well, I am disappointed. You made no effort to buttress the Khazar trope in which the Blackest Group on Earth outside Africa and it's outposts, the Turks who became the Khazarian Elite magically turned Ashkenazim White and the proof that developing in Germany had nothing to do with it, David being ruddy had nothing to do with it, Esau literally meaning Red had nothing to do with it, it was all due to descent from extra dark people that extra white Jews developed.

It was magical metamorphosis and any more rational view is pure White Supremacy as is noting the Catholic St Augustine characterizing Khazaria as " The City of God" for the unprecedented and never repeated peaceful cooperation between Jews, Muslims and Christians which fact alone pokes a rather large hole in the whole stupid screed.

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