Although it's easy to see how being part of a "secret side chat" can make one crazy - those of us with fertile minds (and which Jewish mind ISN'T fertile?) must be able to express ourselves. I, too, am grateful for my politically conservative leanings. However, I staunchly refuse to limit my thinking about Israel to secular ideology from the galut. Because the galut lacks the G-d given wisdom of our Jewish scriptures. Because Israel - the Israel that emerges from this horrific war - must be something new; something that not only secures Israel better than we have secured her for the last 75-odd years but also brings the world closer to the Redemption.
Some of my ramblings about this "new Israel" expressed in this forum have not been liked, even by readers who typically “like” my comments. In fact one reader - a non-Jew claiming to be a friend of Israel - called me delusional because I emphasized the strengthening of a Jewish majority in the Jewish homeland. Because I called for considering the needs of the many Diaspora Jews fleeing 1930s style anti-Semitism over the needs of non-Jewish refugees from Syria, Lebanon and such.
Our scriptures describe the Messianic era as one involving an ingathering of Jews to the Holy Land. But I fear the world (even our friends) will do all it can to “shrink” Israel - both geographically and in terms of Jewish influence. Karol, I would appreciate your asking the folks in your “secret side chat” to answer this question: Is there anything wrong with an Israel that puts Jews - and Judaism - first? Clearly, this is a matter to be discussed privately, and certainly feverishly. My brain needs a rest.
I'm a Jewish atheist, but to my thinking, that doesn't mean there isn't ancient wisdom in them there books -- among humanity's first attempts at psychology, medicine, science, philosophy. And I totally agree with strengthening a Jewish majority in Israel and considering the needs of fleeing Jews over Syrian refugees (Syrian refugees have 20+ other places to go; Israel should not been of them).
In fact, all western countries should be seriously looking at who they let in. People with a very different culture, or one potentially opposed to the west, should be let in very slowly -- a trickle -- and their assimilation calculated carefully. By assimilation I don't mean they can't eat their food and listen to their music, blah blah blah. BUT, anti-west demonstrates need to stop. You don't get to come here and then declare you hate us. Sorry.
BTW, these full burkahs have to be outlawed in public. It's a security risk. I will not go near anyone whose face I cannot see, and if I cannot tell whether or not they carry a weapon. So, for example, a woman collapses in the street, screaming, crying, whatever. I would call 911 but I will keep my distance.
Agree with everything, I'm a Christian but I don't think that is really relevant. Islam isn't a religion in the sense of Buddism or Christianity, it's a custom made monotheistic religion invented to facilitate arab imperialism, the imperialism is baked right into the text. The same problems existed in Christianity, but they had a reformation.
Thank you for a well-reasoned opinion. In Montreal, where I live, our provincial premier - who promotes Quebec as a "secular society" - wants to ban public prayer because of the spread of Islamism in our city. He was among the few Western leaders who actually described "Islamism" as a threat to the West. Unfortunately the banning of all public prayer is upsetting religions other than Islam. But even though I'm a fairly observant Jew, I believe that in diverse Western societies, secularism is the only way to prevent various religions from fighting for dominance.
Israel can’t start taking non-Jewish refugees: you don’t have room for one obvious reason. And of course there’s many other Arab countries who could take them.
Yes, and those Arab countries should also be taking the Jew-hating Islamists, whether they call themselves "Palestinian", Arab, whatever, currently living in Gaza, Judea/Samaria and other parts of Israel. It's ludicrous to suggest that these people be "rehabilitated" to stop hating us. It won't happen. In the "new Israel" they must be deported.
Actually I heard an IDF soldier currently stationed in Gaza recommend that Gazan civilians be sent to Syria, too! He reasoned that since so many Syrians have already left the country there is ample room for so-called Palestinians who share their culture and religious views.
I notice you neglect to mention your proposal of stripping any non-Jews of their political rights, so about 25% of the population including the Christians, Druze, Bedouin Muslims and others serving in the IDF. That’s just a bit more extreme than not letting in refugees….The ultra-religious are growing by the day, they certainly won’t be taking up arms to defend you. Did prayer establish Israel or did weapons? Think on that.
Your argument rests on quicksand. No one suggested stripping any law-abiding Israeli citizen of their rights except you. And you are wrong about the so-called "ultra religious". Even they are joining the IDF these days, which is a good thing. Try keeping up with Israeli news. But every nation has a right to establish immigration policies to suit its unique goals and needs. For Israel, that means remaining a mostly Jewish nation in character, culture, ethnicity and religious practice. If that offends your presumably non-Jewish sensibilities, too bad.
>No-one suggested stripping any law abiding Israeli citizen of their rights
I will quote you saying exactly that.
“All Israeli citizens and residents, of all faiths, must be compelled to denounce any ideology or religion (or parts thereof) which disparages Judaism and/or Jews - and/or calls for our conversion or destruction.”
Ah, “calls for our conversion”, so already every Christian and Muslim is deported stateless. I’m going to be generous and assume you mean “calls for our unwilling conversion” but frankly, I suspect you’d be just fine with a mass deportation.
“The Knesset should have no non-Jewish parties. Arabs, Druze, Kurds, Christians, etc. living in Israel should have special committees to voice their concerns to government but not be able to shape Israeli policy. Non-Jewish Israelis with distinguished service in the IDF, police force and other branches of public service should, however, be fairly compensated for their efforts.”
“Fairly compensated for their efforts” means what exactly? A pay rise? Somehow I suspect the idea of fighting for a state that literally reduces you to the status of religious minorities under the Ottoman Empire will not be mollified by more money…
Just a question but if a non-Jewish state suggested stripping Jews of their right to form political parties but gave them a toothless committee instead, would that be anti-Semitic?
Not that this matters, as such blood and soil politics as you suggest is a minority position in Israel. The Israeli population wisely understands that it is the head chopping Jihadists that are Israel’s enemy, not the non-Jewish people that fight for it. As many of them are secular, they see Jewish religious extremism as more dangerous to their freedoms than whether an Indian Hindu, Thai Buddhist or American Lutheran can come to live and work in their global economy.
1. I don’t consider compelling citizens and residents of Israel to denounce ideologies that call for the conversion and/or destruction of Jews denying ANYONE of their legitimate rights. Israel is too small a country to be eroded from within by Jew-haters who riot in the streets, commit terrorist acts and keep the country in a constant state of internal war because of blood libels contained in their holy book. Further, there are conniving Christians in the so-called Messianic movement who’s primary goal in life is to get Jews to commit the idolatry of worshipping a human being; namely Jesus Christ. These people typically target vulnerable Jews, including teenagers, often fraudulently passing themselves off as Jews themselves.
2. Re my statement about fairly compensating non-Jewish Israelis with distinguished service in the IDF, police force and other branches of public service – I stand by it 100%. However, I’m not in a position to recommend what would constitute “fair compensation”. There are other, more learned people who very likely could.
I’m going to end my rebuttal now with a question: why does this issue concern you so much? As a Diaspora Jew being targeted by vile anti-Semites, I have skin in the game where my beloved Israel is concerned. You seem more interested in advocating for Israel's enemies, which includes self-hating Jews as well as anti-Semitic gentiles.
So you’re going to ignore your statement about banning any non-Jewish parties and my comment about how this policy would be outrageously anti-Semitic if implemented by another country? Noted.
Regarding conversion, you are aware that all Christians and Muslims are religiously required to invite everyone to convert? Judging from your comment about ‘idolatry’ you seem to be hostile to all forms of proselytising. Personally I have no problem with banning groups targeting children.
As for why I care, I value Israel as a democratic, tolerant country in a region hostile to it. I view such blood and soil religious fanatic takes as yours with distaste. Frankly you seem like a Jewish supremacist who would have be quite at home in the terror group Lehi.
I wish we would spend all our time on identifying problems and then finding solutions. I wish all our big Jewish organizations would work together so that we tackle these problems as a unified group. The constant regurgitation of how awful things are serves no purpose whatsoever. In fact it takes energy and focus away from finding solutions.
For example, I will take what I think is a big problem:
Problem 1 - The pro Hamas demonstrations that we see popping up all the time, they get violent, they call for genocide, they intimidate and harass Jews etc.
Solution 1 - Push the govt and local authorities to enact a law or bylaw that says all demonstrators must have their faces uncovered. No more keffiyeh hiding bullsh-t from these cowards
Solution 2 - Push for laws that ban demonstrations near places of worship and ban them from interfering with traffic etc And if they do have laws, why are they not enforced?
So these are some possible solutions that I, in my lack of wisdom, came up with.
Here is the question ..... who is doing something about it? Who is in charge of solving the Demonstration problem? Are Jewish organizations working on this at all? Are they unified? Of course not. Is there any accountability? Of course not.
This is just one example of many. We know what the problems are but we are not fighting it as a unified group. We just spend so much time whining about it.
The author says we are strong .... I disagree completely. We are weak, not unified and without direction
We are in a war both in Israel and frankly in the Diaspora. The ones winning are the Israelis. They are winning cuz they are unified, they are organized and they are incredibly strategic. The Jews in the Diaspora are losing every day because they are the complete opposite.
Its funny how so many including myself are hoping that Trump will solve our problems cuz our Jewish organizations don't do sh-t.
Love to see American Jews underestimaed by our own. Let them think we are weak, and let us continue to stock up on ammo, go to the range, and vote for leaders like Trump and others. The strongest folk I've known are all Jews, mostly American, including my father, grandfathers, uncles, and 4 of my five kids, including my Army Ranger son and his Jewish marine buddies. Not to mention my fellow Jewish law enforcement officers.
I completely agree. The main issue is a lack of unity, but most importantly, we failed to teach our children, the young generation, the importance of the first commandment, allowing them to be taught by secular anti G_D. My daughter lives in Tel Aviv, 24 years old, most her friends understand the problem, but in the end everyone wants to continue living their secular life’s. Israel is divided and most Israelis I know, don’t want to even acknowledge the G_D of Israel Abraham and Isaac. I think it is a much bigger problem, the world got too complacent, too far from the basic principles of western civilization. I just wrote a post about it. It frustrates me🤷♀️ but at least I pray about it
Good one as usual Jerry. Need I remind you and all of us to take heart in the writing and sayings of Jabotinsky especially the very short and accessible “The Iron Wall”. PS favorite Jabotinsky saying “Jews learn to shoot “. Just because I’m right doesn’t make me wrong.
And a big hello to you Kafr. Thanks for bringing up Jabotinsky .... somehow this great man doesnt get mentions as much as he should. Ironi you bring up "Jews learn to shoot" ..... that has been one of my major peeves with Jewish Orgs. ... wrote them about making self defense part of Jewish curriculum and never heard back as usual. It really bothers me that we do so little to fight the enemy when we could do so much more with organization. Be well my boy and stay safe. papa j
In 2011 Israel did a prisoner exchange for a single hostage IDF soldier named Gilad Shalit in exchange for hundreds of Hamas terrorists including one Yahya Sinwar.
We knew this would happen we just didn't know when.
Rabbi Shifren talked about it on this song we recorded together in 2011:
I recall a visit to Prague in 2019 and walking the streets of the old city. A section of the old city has been set aside for tourists and called the "Jewish Quarter" as a remembrance of the Jews who used to live there. It comes complete with street lamps with the Magen David on both sides of the globe and a still active synagogue (I think). Unfortunately, this so-called "Jewish Quarter", which I'm sure was once teeming with Jews and probably covered a quarter of the old city, has been reduced to two square blocks. How nice to be remembered. I don't need any side chats to strengthen my resolve or reinforce my opinions. I have a good appreciation for which way the wind blows. I just go to the range on a regular basis and strike a blow for liberty.
Is it possible that imagination is a curse? Recent history seems to support the “second” lives, or replanted lives of those who ran because of reality not imagined security.
If you didn't have a secret Jewish side Chat BEFORE October 7th, you would probably be one of the people who were surprised by October 7th and the aftermath....
I was and I wasn’t… surprised about Israeli’s fuck up(always was and still am so sure they are on the ball) but not about over surpassing universal Jew hatred.
First of all, great article - I love it when people find a new angle to write about. And this one is very worthy.
Second: "It isn’t the 'woe is us.' It’s what comes next. We look at our Jewish children and say 'Am Yisrael Chai,' 'the nation of Israel lives' because it does in us, in them. They didn’t wipe us out. They didn’t win. We’re still here. We’re not taking that for granted. We come to see it so we remember." I love this too and it's such a lesson for humanity. The woe is me part barely matters. Yes we remember, but we move on and figure out the next move, and become productive citizens (if we're allowed), and contribute to society (if we're allowed). We survive AND thrive. And I'd like every maligned group to do the same. Where are your leaders? Your network? How are you helping each other? Stop the pity party and THRIVE!
(I think that's one of the reasons they still hate us; we put them all to shame).
Sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. That way is terrible and painful; and I don't wish that to anyone. However it seems unavoidable, and I may well be wrong. Nevertheless I am absolutely convinced, given the track record of milenia of resilience, that there will be a great triunph for the Jewish Nation. Believe me I share your concern.
I have been writing and complaining about rump for years. People around me are saying don't worry in two years we can start to win it back. I don't think so. Americans are fat, dumb, lazy, undereducated, and stupid. I know that is harsh but, they did elect rump didn't they? I expect to see rump and his crowd to pick this country apart peice by peice until they can't make anymore money selling those peices. I expect rump to do away with the two tearm limit. I expect him to tear up the constitution and the Bill of Rights and to tell Congress to go home. I expect him to install himself as president for life. I expect the once great American military to cow to him and do his bidding. It does not matter whether it is rump or musk America has been bought and paid for by rumps rich, rich very rich friends. As I said in past publications, rump has been following Hitlers' play book. He does not intend to leave at the end of four years. Wants to run this country into the ground. The train wreck that this nation will become will be nothing short of what was Germany after WWI. The country in ruins the dollar not worth a thing and America polically demoralized. I expect this to happen in quick succession after 20 Jan. There will be no mid-term elections. As long as rump, musk, the Christian Nationalists and their manifesto Project 2025 are being pushed we will never be free again. Young Americans don't have the back bone to go to war. They could never mount any kind of resistance to rump like the French did against the Nazi's in WWII. As long as the military backs him we cannot win.
Although it's easy to see how being part of a "secret side chat" can make one crazy - those of us with fertile minds (and which Jewish mind ISN'T fertile?) must be able to express ourselves. I, too, am grateful for my politically conservative leanings. However, I staunchly refuse to limit my thinking about Israel to secular ideology from the galut. Because the galut lacks the G-d given wisdom of our Jewish scriptures. Because Israel - the Israel that emerges from this horrific war - must be something new; something that not only secures Israel better than we have secured her for the last 75-odd years but also brings the world closer to the Redemption.
Some of my ramblings about this "new Israel" expressed in this forum have not been liked, even by readers who typically “like” my comments. In fact one reader - a non-Jew claiming to be a friend of Israel - called me delusional because I emphasized the strengthening of a Jewish majority in the Jewish homeland. Because I called for considering the needs of the many Diaspora Jews fleeing 1930s style anti-Semitism over the needs of non-Jewish refugees from Syria, Lebanon and such.
Our scriptures describe the Messianic era as one involving an ingathering of Jews to the Holy Land. But I fear the world (even our friends) will do all it can to “shrink” Israel - both geographically and in terms of Jewish influence. Karol, I would appreciate your asking the folks in your “secret side chat” to answer this question: Is there anything wrong with an Israel that puts Jews - and Judaism - first? Clearly, this is a matter to be discussed privately, and certainly feverishly. My brain needs a rest.
I'm a Jewish atheist, but to my thinking, that doesn't mean there isn't ancient wisdom in them there books -- among humanity's first attempts at psychology, medicine, science, philosophy. And I totally agree with strengthening a Jewish majority in Israel and considering the needs of fleeing Jews over Syrian refugees (Syrian refugees have 20+ other places to go; Israel should not been of them).
In fact, all western countries should be seriously looking at who they let in. People with a very different culture, or one potentially opposed to the west, should be let in very slowly -- a trickle -- and their assimilation calculated carefully. By assimilation I don't mean they can't eat their food and listen to their music, blah blah blah. BUT, anti-west demonstrates need to stop. You don't get to come here and then declare you hate us. Sorry.
BTW, these full burkahs have to be outlawed in public. It's a security risk. I will not go near anyone whose face I cannot see, and if I cannot tell whether or not they carry a weapon. So, for example, a woman collapses in the street, screaming, crying, whatever. I would call 911 but I will keep my distance.
Agree with everything, I'm a Christian but I don't think that is really relevant. Islam isn't a religion in the sense of Buddism or Christianity, it's a custom made monotheistic religion invented to facilitate arab imperialism, the imperialism is baked right into the text. The same problems existed in Christianity, but they had a reformation.
I love your bird's eye view of religion. It's important for all of us to be able to "see" and make decisions based on truth. Thank you.
Thank you for a well-reasoned opinion. In Montreal, where I live, our provincial premier - who promotes Quebec as a "secular society" - wants to ban public prayer because of the spread of Islamism in our city. He was among the few Western leaders who actually described "Islamism" as a threat to the West. Unfortunately the banning of all public prayer is upsetting religions other than Islam. But even though I'm a fairly observant Jew, I believe that in diverse Western societies, secularism is the only way to prevent various religions from fighting for dominance.
Israel can’t start taking non-Jewish refugees: you don’t have room for one obvious reason. And of course there’s many other Arab countries who could take them.
Yes, and those Arab countries should also be taking the Jew-hating Islamists, whether they call themselves "Palestinian", Arab, whatever, currently living in Gaza, Judea/Samaria and other parts of Israel. It's ludicrous to suggest that these people be "rehabilitated" to stop hating us. It won't happen. In the "new Israel" they must be deported.
Send them all to Syria
Actually I heard an IDF soldier currently stationed in Gaza recommend that Gazan civilians be sent to Syria, too! He reasoned that since so many Syrians have already left the country there is ample room for so-called Palestinians who share their culture and religious views.
Love it and yes!!!
I notice you neglect to mention your proposal of stripping any non-Jews of their political rights, so about 25% of the population including the Christians, Druze, Bedouin Muslims and others serving in the IDF. That’s just a bit more extreme than not letting in refugees….The ultra-religious are growing by the day, they certainly won’t be taking up arms to defend you. Did prayer establish Israel or did weapons? Think on that.
Your argument rests on quicksand. No one suggested stripping any law-abiding Israeli citizen of their rights except you. And you are wrong about the so-called "ultra religious". Even they are joining the IDF these days, which is a good thing. Try keeping up with Israeli news. But every nation has a right to establish immigration policies to suit its unique goals and needs. For Israel, that means remaining a mostly Jewish nation in character, culture, ethnicity and religious practice. If that offends your presumably non-Jewish sensibilities, too bad.
>No-one suggested stripping any law abiding Israeli citizen of their rights
I will quote you saying exactly that.
“All Israeli citizens and residents, of all faiths, must be compelled to denounce any ideology or religion (or parts thereof) which disparages Judaism and/or Jews - and/or calls for our conversion or destruction.”
Ah, “calls for our conversion”, so already every Christian and Muslim is deported stateless. I’m going to be generous and assume you mean “calls for our unwilling conversion” but frankly, I suspect you’d be just fine with a mass deportation.
“The Knesset should have no non-Jewish parties. Arabs, Druze, Kurds, Christians, etc. living in Israel should have special committees to voice their concerns to government but not be able to shape Israeli policy. Non-Jewish Israelis with distinguished service in the IDF, police force and other branches of public service should, however, be fairly compensated for their efforts.”
“Fairly compensated for their efforts” means what exactly? A pay rise? Somehow I suspect the idea of fighting for a state that literally reduces you to the status of religious minorities under the Ottoman Empire will not be mollified by more money…
Just a question but if a non-Jewish state suggested stripping Jews of their right to form political parties but gave them a toothless committee instead, would that be anti-Semitic?
Not that this matters, as such blood and soil politics as you suggest is a minority position in Israel. The Israeli population wisely understands that it is the head chopping Jihadists that are Israel’s enemy, not the non-Jewish people that fight for it. As many of them are secular, they see Jewish religious extremism as more dangerous to their freedoms than whether an Indian Hindu, Thai Buddhist or American Lutheran can come to live and work in their global economy.
1. I don’t consider compelling citizens and residents of Israel to denounce ideologies that call for the conversion and/or destruction of Jews denying ANYONE of their legitimate rights. Israel is too small a country to be eroded from within by Jew-haters who riot in the streets, commit terrorist acts and keep the country in a constant state of internal war because of blood libels contained in their holy book. Further, there are conniving Christians in the so-called Messianic movement who’s primary goal in life is to get Jews to commit the idolatry of worshipping a human being; namely Jesus Christ. These people typically target vulnerable Jews, including teenagers, often fraudulently passing themselves off as Jews themselves.
2. Re my statement about fairly compensating non-Jewish Israelis with distinguished service in the IDF, police force and other branches of public service – I stand by it 100%. However, I’m not in a position to recommend what would constitute “fair compensation”. There are other, more learned people who very likely could.
I’m going to end my rebuttal now with a question: why does this issue concern you so much? As a Diaspora Jew being targeted by vile anti-Semites, I have skin in the game where my beloved Israel is concerned. You seem more interested in advocating for Israel's enemies, which includes self-hating Jews as well as anti-Semitic gentiles.
So you’re going to ignore your statement about banning any non-Jewish parties and my comment about how this policy would be outrageously anti-Semitic if implemented by another country? Noted.
Regarding conversion, you are aware that all Christians and Muslims are religiously required to invite everyone to convert? Judging from your comment about ‘idolatry’ you seem to be hostile to all forms of proselytising. Personally I have no problem with banning groups targeting children.
As for why I care, I value Israel as a democratic, tolerant country in a region hostile to it. I view such blood and soil religious fanatic takes as yours with distaste. Frankly you seem like a Jewish supremacist who would have be quite at home in the terror group Lehi.
Lehi was based
Do not write to me again. This is your first warning.
I wish we would spend all our time on identifying problems and then finding solutions. I wish all our big Jewish organizations would work together so that we tackle these problems as a unified group. The constant regurgitation of how awful things are serves no purpose whatsoever. In fact it takes energy and focus away from finding solutions.
For example, I will take what I think is a big problem:
Problem 1 - The pro Hamas demonstrations that we see popping up all the time, they get violent, they call for genocide, they intimidate and harass Jews etc.
Solution 1 - Push the govt and local authorities to enact a law or bylaw that says all demonstrators must have their faces uncovered. No more keffiyeh hiding bullsh-t from these cowards
Solution 2 - Push for laws that ban demonstrations near places of worship and ban them from interfering with traffic etc And if they do have laws, why are they not enforced?
So these are some possible solutions that I, in my lack of wisdom, came up with.
Here is the question ..... who is doing something about it? Who is in charge of solving the Demonstration problem? Are Jewish organizations working on this at all? Are they unified? Of course not. Is there any accountability? Of course not.
This is just one example of many. We know what the problems are but we are not fighting it as a unified group. We just spend so much time whining about it.
The author says we are strong .... I disagree completely. We are weak, not unified and without direction
We are in a war both in Israel and frankly in the Diaspora. The ones winning are the Israelis. They are winning cuz they are unified, they are organized and they are incredibly strategic. The Jews in the Diaspora are losing every day because they are the complete opposite.
Its funny how so many including myself are hoping that Trump will solve our problems cuz our Jewish organizations don't do sh-t.
papa j
Love to see American Jews underestimaed by our own. Let them think we are weak, and let us continue to stock up on ammo, go to the range, and vote for leaders like Trump and others. The strongest folk I've known are all Jews, mostly American, including my father, grandfathers, uncles, and 4 of my five kids, including my Army Ranger son and his Jewish marine buddies. Not to mention my fellow Jewish law enforcement officers.
I completely agree. The main issue is a lack of unity, but most importantly, we failed to teach our children, the young generation, the importance of the first commandment, allowing them to be taught by secular anti G_D. My daughter lives in Tel Aviv, 24 years old, most her friends understand the problem, but in the end everyone wants to continue living their secular life’s. Israel is divided and most Israelis I know, don’t want to even acknowledge the G_D of Israel Abraham and Isaac. I think it is a much bigger problem, the world got too complacent, too far from the basic principles of western civilization. I just wrote a post about it. It frustrates me🤷♀️ but at least I pray about it
Good one as usual Jerry. Need I remind you and all of us to take heart in the writing and sayings of Jabotinsky especially the very short and accessible “The Iron Wall”. PS favorite Jabotinsky saying “Jews learn to shoot “. Just because I’m right doesn’t make me wrong.
And a big hello to you Kafr. Thanks for bringing up Jabotinsky .... somehow this great man doesnt get mentions as much as he should. Ironi you bring up "Jews learn to shoot" ..... that has been one of my major peeves with Jewish Orgs. ... wrote them about making self defense part of Jewish curriculum and never heard back as usual. It really bothers me that we do so little to fight the enemy when we could do so much more with organization. Be well my boy and stay safe. papa j
In 2011 Israel did a prisoner exchange for a single hostage IDF soldier named Gilad Shalit in exchange for hundreds of Hamas terrorists including one Yahya Sinwar.
We knew this would happen we just didn't know when.
Rabbi Shifren talked about it on this song we recorded together in 2011:
Truth. Good song/statement.
I recall a visit to Prague in 2019 and walking the streets of the old city. A section of the old city has been set aside for tourists and called the "Jewish Quarter" as a remembrance of the Jews who used to live there. It comes complete with street lamps with the Magen David on both sides of the globe and a still active synagogue (I think). Unfortunately, this so-called "Jewish Quarter", which I'm sure was once teeming with Jews and probably covered a quarter of the old city, has been reduced to two square blocks. How nice to be remembered. I don't need any side chats to strengthen my resolve or reinforce my opinions. I have a good appreciation for which way the wind blows. I just go to the range on a regular basis and strike a blow for liberty.
The New Jew…gun range, zeroed in, locked and loaded. Nothing will be the same after Oct 7 and I’m tucked in the imagined safety of Midwest USA.
Is it possible that imagination is a curse? Recent history seems to support the “second” lives, or replanted lives of those who ran because of reality not imagined security.
If you didn't have a secret Jewish side Chat BEFORE October 7th, you would probably be one of the people who were surprised by October 7th and the aftermath....
I was and I wasn’t… surprised about Israeli’s fuck up(always was and still am so sure they are on the ball) but not about over surpassing universal Jew hatred.
First of all, great article - I love it when people find a new angle to write about. And this one is very worthy.
Second: "It isn’t the 'woe is us.' It’s what comes next. We look at our Jewish children and say 'Am Yisrael Chai,' 'the nation of Israel lives' because it does in us, in them. They didn’t wipe us out. They didn’t win. We’re still here. We’re not taking that for granted. We come to see it so we remember." I love this too and it's such a lesson for humanity. The woe is me part barely matters. Yes we remember, but we move on and figure out the next move, and become productive citizens (if we're allowed), and contribute to society (if we're allowed). We survive AND thrive. And I'd like every maligned group to do the same. Where are your leaders? Your network? How are you helping each other? Stop the pity party and THRIVE!
(I think that's one of the reasons they still hate us; we put them all to shame).
Sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. That way is terrible and painful; and I don't wish that to anyone. However it seems unavoidable, and I may well be wrong. Nevertheless I am absolutely convinced, given the track record of milenia of resilience, that there will be a great triunph for the Jewish Nation. Believe me I share your concern.
I feel this, in so many ways...........
I have been writing and complaining about rump for years. People around me are saying don't worry in two years we can start to win it back. I don't think so. Americans are fat, dumb, lazy, undereducated, and stupid. I know that is harsh but, they did elect rump didn't they? I expect to see rump and his crowd to pick this country apart peice by peice until they can't make anymore money selling those peices. I expect rump to do away with the two tearm limit. I expect him to tear up the constitution and the Bill of Rights and to tell Congress to go home. I expect him to install himself as president for life. I expect the once great American military to cow to him and do his bidding. It does not matter whether it is rump or musk America has been bought and paid for by rumps rich, rich very rich friends. As I said in past publications, rump has been following Hitlers' play book. He does not intend to leave at the end of four years. Wants to run this country into the ground. The train wreck that this nation will become will be nothing short of what was Germany after WWI. The country in ruins the dollar not worth a thing and America polically demoralized. I expect this to happen in quick succession after 20 Jan. There will be no mid-term elections. As long as rump, musk, the Christian Nationalists and their manifesto Project 2025 are being pushed we will never be free again. Young Americans don't have the back bone to go to war. They could never mount any kind of resistance to rump like the French did against the Nazi's in WWII. As long as the military backs him we cannot win.
Is there a special space laser group?